Monday, 15 December 2008








Sunday, 14 December 2008

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord
For you are my refuge and strength
And ever present help in trouble

It is you Lord
That helps me sort things out
To see what is right from wrong

It is you Lord
That gives me courage to speak out
To solve issues I found helpless

Thank you Lord
For you are faithful and just
And forgives me from my sins

It is you Lord
That helps me to stand up
To walk out of the fear of the dark

It is you Lord
That gives me wisdom to judge
To have your ways in my life

Thank you Lord
For words cannot describe
How great you are

Saturday, 6 December 2008

How to get your man listen to you

I do not know about you, but I’ve been taught that men and women think, speak and response differently since young. My brother bought me the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” when I was eighteen, although I didn’t quite understand it, I am subscribed to the idea that even our brains are wired differently.

Tzeh and I argued about this issue many times before, he doesn’t understand why I cannot speak up when I am angry, I do not understand why he can walk away when I am angry. I’ve been trying to tell him that I am not a man; hence I do not behave in accordance to his logical mind. So I decided to do a search online to come out with some facts and statistics to support my argument.

I was happy that I found an article entitled “Men and Women are Hard Wired Differently and respond differently”. It reads something like this ‘We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in [the way] we react and behave when we love someone.’ Of course I myself fall into the same trap but I was trying to make him understand that I am not a man!!!

Then I continue to search and I found another article “How to Communicate Effectively with Husbands” and I laughed when I saw “Women talk too much and men don’t listen enough. This is an age-old problem that seems to have no real solutions” This is never a problem for me because Tzeh is the one doing all the talking and I am the one waiting for the conclusion while he dwell on and on with the details. I teased him and asked “Did you not learn summary in school before?”

In the midst of all this, I feel pathetic for myself that why on earth do I have to try to understand man? Has he ever made the same efforts try to understand me as well? The more in understand him, the more I gave in to make him feel better, but I also wish one day that he come to me and says “ Today I learn that women are like this like that, I understand now why you do this and that, and I will try to be this and that.. ”Dream on girl, dream on...

Anyway, criticism and sarcasms do not help man to listen, so here are some tips for the women to talk in ways that will get their men to listen (see, women are always too caring and understanding to burden ourselves to learn how to speak in the way man would listen)

Thursday, 4 December 2008





刚才和朋友讨论怎么可以对家人好一点,想了半天都找不到好点子。 他们不喜欢逛街,不喜欢旅游,不喜欢看电影,甚至不喜欢在外边吃饭,一辈子忙忙碌碌也没有想到怎么好好对待自己。甚至现在小孩都不再是小孩的时候,还要替小孩操心他们的小孩(孙子啦)。除了每个月给微不足道的家用,有时候在他们出去吃夜宵,我真不知道自己还能够做什么。突然间觉得当我的爸爸妈妈好可怜,竟然有我这个不肖女,不知道如何关怀他们,敬爱他们。

经常告诉自己对他们态度要好一点,只是每天下班回来,拖着疲惫的身子,我只想好好一个人呆在房间,上上网,看看书,不想和任何人说话。 好几次妈妈特地走进来我的房间,看我在做什么,很想和我打开话题,我却冷冷谈谈。 最过分的是,我不喜欢任何人躺在我的床上,枕头上,被单上,我看到会有一股冲动赶她出去(洁癖啦, 请多多包涵)


Saturday, 29 November 2008

澳门 – 好吃的旅程


地址: 澳门大堂街(Sasa旁面的小巷,卢家大屋对面)
这个鱼蛋档最出名的就是他们的“鱼包蛋”, 什么叫鱼包蛋呢?就是鱼蛋里包着鱼子(鱼卵),在其他地方都没有看过。QQ的丸子,咬开以后中间的鱼子就顺着甜甜的微量汁水流淌到舌上,有着轻微的鱼子腥味,一口一个,满足的不得了。

这里的鱼蛋种类超级多,龙虾丸、芝心丸、蟹子鱼蛋、海胆鱼蛋、鱼豆腐等, 乱七八糟我们都搞不清楚啥是啥,反正随便选了一堆,淋上地道的咖喱汁,拿着小碗坐在外面的石凳吃,下午六点钟,这里的天色已经完全变黑,迎面冷风微微吹来,挺有feel的。

地址: 大三巴某条街(Manning/Guardian同排)




到澳门,一定要吃猪扒包,而且一定要吃大利猪扒包,这个估计大家都懂,不用我多说。值得一题的是,现在他们推出新的猪扒餐包和波罗猪扒包,两个我们都嚐试过。餐包的肉做的比较干,吃起来没有什么味道,波罗包面包皮做的和Roti Boy有同工异曲之味道,只是他们用的不是咖啡粉,而是波罗粉?不知道,反正就甜甜脆脆,好吃。其实我喜欢面包比猪扒更多一些。



海鲜面包汤- 面包碗里盛着虾,蟹肉煲成的海鲜忌廉汤,味道香又滑,好吃
非洲鸡- 不知道为什么叫非洲鸡,反正味道浓烈的酱汁,每口都散发着洋蔥味,好吃
砵酒燴牛尾 -砵酒汁的甜味夾雜牛尾的脂肪油份帶出甜香的感覺, 好吃


地址: 澳门凼仔地堡街喜来登广场地下A铺及一楼



4、明記士多,營地大街, 碟仔糕

澳门 – 倒霉的启程










终于酒店给我安排了另外一个房间,换了另外一个室友,霉气好像没有打算离开我。想要煮水冲咖啡,那个烧水器就把一半的水都煮开了还不会自动关机。 想要冲个凉,洗手间花洒竟然不能操作,把服务员找来他竟然毫不废力气就打开了,和他投诉烧水器不能用,他站在那里看着它煮好自动跳起。。唉,好像我动过的东西都会坏似的。

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Today I made a discovery

I’ve been feeling some bitterness on my throat since last week, I was trying to search for the cause of this irritating sense up and down, let and right. At first I thought it was the new water bottle that I started to use, so I changed to my bottled. It did not help. Then I thought it was the supplement that I started to eat, so I stopped for a few days. It did not help either. I told my mom about it, and she said “I could be the eye drop that you are using, I had the same problem before” I didn’t bother about the statement.

Today I read from a chinese newspaper that our normal way of using eye drop is wrong, i.e. we should not squeeze a drop of the medication into the eye and blink for a few times, this is wrong because the medicine will possibly drain to the whole body and some of the content may harm the heart or body. We should instead press our finger on both the inner corner of the eye after using eye drop to prevent the medicine from draining to the body.

First, I was surprised that the eye drop can actually drain to the body and second I don’t understand how by pressing the inner corner of the eye can prevent the eye drop from draining to the body:-

According to Wikipedia, there is a tube that connects your tear duct to your nasal passage called the nasolacrimal duct. The nasolacrimal duct carries tears from the lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity. Excess tears flow through nasolacrimal duct which opens in the nose. This is the reason the nose starts to run when a person is crying, or why one can sometimes taste eye drops. So I take it that all these are connected, that’s how the eye drop can drain from eye – nose – throat, and what my mom said is true.

Then I found this in one of the eye drop practice guidance by Royal Pharmaceutical Society in Great Britain, guess what the newspaper said is also true. And on top of these two discoveries, I also noticed that we should pull the lower eyelid instead of the upper eyelid to apply the eye drop, why have I been so wrong? I’ve been literally “swallowing” eye drop for almost one week, and I get to realize this on the last day of the treatment.

“Patients should be advised to wash and dry hands before and after use. Tilt the head back and gently pull the LOWER EYELID out to form a pouch. Squeeze the bottle to release one drop into the lower eyelid. Try not to touch the eye or lashes with the nozzle. Blink several times to help spread the drug. Repeat the process for each drop used. Eye infections tend to spread to the other eye (and to other people — avoid sharing towels, facecloths, etc), so it is usual to use the drops in both eyes if they are both infected.

Patients sometimes get a taste of eye drops in the mouth or a feeling that drops are running down the throat. Pressing a finger against the inner corner of the eye (by the nose) for about a minute after using the drops may help to stop the drops draining into nose and throat.”

So tuan-tuan and puan-puan, please follow instruction next time when you have to use eye drop. I tried and it really worked no more eye drop tasting and in fact when I pressed the inner eye corner, I can feel the eye drop is filling up around the eye pocket and the eye is totally soaked in the moisture until it almost overflows.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

crazy little thing called love

When I heard the promo about the church will be hosting the stage performance for a “romantic drama” (that’s how I perceived from the title of the drama), I was so excited. Love has always been a subject I could not from school, from workshop, from book, from anywhere else I could think so.

So I started to imagine “Erm.. the drama will tell you how to love? Or tell you how to love properly? Or tell you to love with dignity? Or…” I just so much look forward to a “ lesson of love” from the touring theatre company. In order to convince myself and invite others to this drama strongly recommended by the pastor, I ran a check on them (as usual).

Who are they?
Footstool players are a group of Christian inspired to equip Malaysian churches to use theatre as a medium of communication, they were grew out of a drama ministry in one of the local church, they have been providing a series of thought-provoking drama to many churches since 2001. (I’m not sure if they are trained actors and actresses, but they all did a great show)

Why Footstool?
Footstool players give me the thought that they are poor in its nature that they can only afford to act on stage with a footstool, not a Lorenzo sofa set. I felt silly to find out that they actually took their name from the bible verse, it is meant to be a humble place of meeting between ourselves and God. “Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool.” Psalm 99:5

The sketches
So I went for the drama last week with my half blinded eyes (second day after eye laser), people must be impressed that a blind person also came to watch the drama ( I was wearing huge sunglasses in the dark auditorium, because the spotlight causes glares to my eyes)

The play is divided into two acts: the first one deals with love, courtship and marriage, a lot of laughter, almost like chow xing chee movie; while the second one deals with family relationship, that’s where we got into the real issues in the real world.

It almost covers all sort of possible relationship you can think of under the sun, I’m sure you will be touched here and there along the story, whether you are fighting with your girlfriend who loves who more, whether your boyfriend never wants to say sorry to you. Some family with adopted son, some father ran away with another woman, some daughter rebel against the mother and some husband working too hard and abandon the wife etc.

The message

But all in all, I think the message of the drama is to speak out to your love ones, we are living in a reserved culture where we seldom express our love to our parents, brothers sisters or even spouses and many times with the pressure to live, to work, to achive, we have forgotten that we indeed love someone in our heart. I do not want to tell you so much about the story, else what’s the point of you going for the drama knowing everything already. I can not tell you much about the message either, because everyone gets little something different from the scenarios.

The performance
If you missed the performance last week, the Foostool Players will be performing at The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre(KLPac) Pentas 2 as follows (I don’t earn commission from this, just thought it’s a nice show to catch)

6-8, 13-15 November 2008 @ 8:30pm
8-9, 15-16 November 2008 @ 3:00pm

Tickets: RM30 adults / RM20 students, senior citizens and disabled
Tickets available from: KLPac Box Office Tel: (03) 4047 9000
Actors Studio at BSC Tel: (03) 2094 0400

Monday, 20 October 2008

Goodbye Contact Lens

It’s been 3 days since I did the eye laser at Optimax last week, in fact I very much wanted to write immediately after I came out from the operation room. “It was such a awful experience and I never felt so helpless before” (that’s what I thought there and then, don’t worry, things were not that bad after all)

I was very nervous from the day I decided to go for the laser treatment, I was worry what if they over correct the eye sight, what if the eye do not heal in time, what if I waters get into the eyes accidentally etc. I was still indecisive until I lay myself on the operation bed.

I consider myself lucky that there is no condition with my eyes and I go proceed to do the most conventional type of treatment available (in other words the cheapest). (Don’t worry about what to choose if you attend to go for what, your eyes will choose for you because different eye condition required different treatment)

So I signed up myself to do the LASIK treatment, (to cut the story short, we go straight to the operation day,) Before going in to the operation theatre, the doctor double triple checked my eyes and drew a mark on my eye ball (can you believe it? my eyes are numb after one drop of anesthetic and I literally looked at the marker pen point a dot on my eye)

And she explained again what are the risks of undergoing this operation, saying about 5 percent of the patients have to go through enhancement treatment if their eye sights are not corrected properly, about 1 our a 200 thousand get inflammation problem and ruined the operation, and if machine turn out faulty, it’s not their fault. (wow, that’s the best word of encouragement for a patient before surgery)

And she emphasis that when you are on the operation theatre, just focus your eyes on the red light twinkling on top of you, whatever is it, DO NOT MOVE YOUR EYE BALL, because the laser is coming down to your eyes and anything could happened when you move. OK, I got it right, what’s so difficult about focusing at one dot.

The operation began

I was totally dressed up in a surgery patient outfit: the “baju tidur”, the “ shower cap” and the “factory shoe cover”, the doctor even asked me not to put any hair gel, any face cream or the same sort, can imagine how ugly I was. Then I rest my head on the “basin like” compartment, doctor used a clamp to clip on the upper and lower part of the eye so that the eye will not blink (believe me, it feels like the same when the kid trying to tear off the Barbie doll eye). Then when everything is in place, the doctor asked me to look at the red light and gave the instruction to the assistant to “start suction”.

The operation halted

They placed a ring like blade on my eye ball, pressed it down and start cutting a flap in order to do the laser later (this is not the blade-free technology, for those that are faint hearted, please please go for the blade-free treatment). When the ring was pressed on the eyeball, I lost sight for a few seconds, and I was panic and when hysterical, at the same time I can feel the blade like tiny scissors cutting off the cornea skin bit by bit, even though there was no pain, just the ticklish sensation has really got unto my nerves.

That’s when I started to lost control of my focus, I heard the doctor said” don’t move, don’t move, look at the red light.” and her hand was pining my head from any movement. I was trying hard to look for the red light, all I saw was a vision of red, all red, I didn’t know where is the twinkling red light, and the doctor had to stop the laser for about three to four times I can’t even recall. When she repeatedly said “ don't move, look at the red light!” deep down my hear I feel like shouting out “ I can’t find the red light la, you think I don’t want to stay focus!?”

I nearly want to cry and stop the operation for the left eye, I was all frightened.. But I was not given the time to think about it or say it out and they started to do the second treatment, luckily after one bad experience, I managed to stayed more focus and the operation only stopped once for the left eye.

The operation completed

After I came out from the operation theatre, the doctor checked on the eye again to make sure the flap was closed nicely without any wrinkles, so everything was alright. And I asked the doctor many times “ will the result be affected? did I move too much?” Doctor said “ don’t worry so much, just pray hard. Some patients move a lot but the result was good, some didn't move at all but the result was not satisfactory, it depends a lot on the individual, you just take care of your eyes now and come back for check up tomorrow.”

I went back with my eyes closed and heart hanging in the air all the way to home, tried to sleep as much as I could and avoid television for the first 24 hours as advised by the doctor. Guess what I do when I couldn’t sleep being too excited? I on the television and “listen” to the drama series with the eye closed, though I don’t understand some part of it, I find it an interesting experience, like my grandmother’s time listen to “ lai de fu sheng”

The aftercare

The after care of the treatment is rather easy, antibiotic eye drop and artificial tears every two hours for the first 3 days and followed by how many times how many days in the next 4 days and next one week and so on and so forth. But the funny thing is that I have to wear “ultra man” eye shield to sleep for the first one week in order to prevent the accidental eye rubbing during sleep.

When Tzeh put the eye shield on me and fixed it with tape the first night, we could not stopped laughing and took photo for remembrance, I said I looked like the kidnapped rich girl waiting for the parents to pay ransom and he said I looked like the sexual abuse victim (geram!!) I said it’s ultra man mask and he insist it’s dragon ball mask, at least we still get some fun out of the whole trauma..

The check up
The first thing that I see very clearly after the treatment was Tzeh sitting beside me (cheh, like so loving, he was busy surfing the internet la) I shouted with excitement “ I can see you so clearly now!!!” Thank God I do not have much of the dry eye and haloes symptom and I only left with 25 and 50 short sighted on the right and left eye respectively.

Doctor said the right eye that went through a lot movement during the operation ironically doing better than the left eye, and there is slight inflammation on the left eye, she prescribe one additional eye drop to cure to infection and we have scheduled for a check up tomorrow (hopefully everything will be fine)

The side track
Heard a friend of Tzeh actually accompanied the girlfriend into the operation theatre and witnessed how the blade cut off the flap, how the laser burnt into sparks etc. So if you are considering the eye laser treatment, make sure you grab your partner to witness the gory procedure.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

28 days: what your cycle reveals about your love life, mood and potential

This is the title of a book a buddy gave to me as a present before she shift to her new house, at the first page of the book, there’s this sweet message from her: A simple and yet special gift for you to know yourself better when I’m not conveniently around for you!

Though I don’t enjoy the book as much as I thought I would be, I always keep it in my office drawer, sometimes to flip on a particular day to see how the hormone affects my life or sometimes just to look at it ( it feel nice even just with the thought that she cares about me)

I remember she shared how she finds the book useful because it helps her to understand why she behaves differently at different time of the month. Say there are certain days she will think twice before she go shopping and certain days she just feel like splashing the money away.

I was amazed at first as I know for sure hormones do affect us in much way: how we feel, who we like, what we shop, when we eat etc. I was hoping that the book will give me some tips on how to deal with this inevitable change in my body, especially to break free from the PMS symptoms.

After reading it on and off several times, now only I found out that it’s actually a horoscope based on the body's own natural hormone cycle. Using so called scientific research, it claimed to be able to predict what practically every aspect of the day will be like based solely on the ups and downs of their monthly hormones.

I learnt a new term called “Hormonology” today, quoted from their website “Once you know how your hormones affect you every day, you know what your day is going to be like. Then, you'll learn the best days of your cycle to do practically everything such as: ask for a raise, flirt with your crush, plan a vacation, have the most fulfilling sex.” ?!?!?!

Although I don’t believe in horoscope or fortune telling, probably many of you out there would like to explore something new just for the fun of it, you can find out more information about the hormonology at

AJ had a dream

AJ : I had a dream last night

GD : What about?

AJ: I dreamt of robbers broke in to my house

GD: Then?

AJ: I was so afraid when they found the safe box in the cupboard

GD: Why?

AJ: Because there is no money inside and I do not know how to open the safe box

GD: Huh?

AJ: I bought it ages ago and never bother to even learn how to use it. If I tell that to the
robbers, they will sure think I'm playing a fool with them

GD: So?

AJ: I woke up, I walked straight to the safe box, read the manual, fix the password and I feel so much relived now.

GD: Good

AJ: Yeah, even if robbers come next time I will know how to open the safe box for them.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Help!!! Cholesterol is killing me

Life has been tasteless for the past few days, tasteless not because I lost my taste buds, tasteless because I lost the right to eat without thinking. Doctor said I have high cholesterol, my HDL reads 1.96 and my LDL reads 3.8, so the total cholesterol is 6.1, which is way above normal range of 5.2 (what a disaster@#*&!)

First thing I reach home is to study what on earth is LDL and HDL and how do I get rid of it soonest possible to redeem my “makan” right, oh no!!!!! I cannot imagine how life would be without beef, lamb, squid, crab, egg, cheese and the list go on and on without stop. So what else is left to be eaten? Oat, fruit and vegetables, arghhhhh!!!!

Although cholesterol is very widely heard in our daily life, but now only I found out that cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made in the body by the liver. Cholesterol forms part of every cell in the body and serves many vital functions. Our bodies need cholesterol to:
- Maintain healthy cell walls
- Make hormones
- Make vitamin D
- Make bile acids, which aid in fat digestion

Sometimes, however, our bodies make more cholesterol than we really need, and this excess cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

There are 2 main types of cholesterol:
- LDL is "bad cholesterol." It can clog the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Optimal number: Less than 2.6 MMOL/L
- HDL is "good cholesterol." It attaches to bad cholesterol and escorts it to the liver, which filters it out of the body. So HDL reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the system. Desirable number: 1.04 MMOL/L or higher.

Total cholesterol is the sum of all types of cholesterol in the blood. It should be less than 5.2 MMOL/L. (I have more than enough of the good and bad cholesterol in this case here)

I’ve also checked online for the causes of high blood cholesterol and I could not believe how on earth did I get high cholesterol for I am not over weight, I exercise regularly, I am not under stress but.. erm.. ok la!!! I like to eat high fat meats, especially “fei cha siew”, fatty lamb and cuttle fish.

So I get myself the following cholesterol lowering plan:

- I bought myself Quaker’s oatmeal for breakfast ( I hope I can stand the tastelessness of it) . Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces the bad cholesterol. Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans, apples, pears, barley and prunes. Soluble fiber appears to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Ten grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your total and LDL cholesterol. Eating 1 1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal provides 6 grams of fiber. If I add fruit, such as bananas, I'll add about 4 more grams of fiber, and that’s enough for a day.

- I also bought myself Salmon Oil tablet for daily supplement of Omega-3 fatty acids ( I also hope I can stand the strong smell left in the mouth). Research has supported the cholesterol-lowering benefits of eating fatty fish because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids also help the heart in other ways such as reducing blood pressure and the risk of blood clots. In people who have already had heart attacks, fish oil — or omega-3 fatty acids — significantly reduces the risk of sudden death.

- I tell myself to stick to Pilates class ( I hope I can stand the boringness of it) Pilates is an exercise method, designed to elongate, strengthen and restore the body to balance. Based upon an anatomical understanding of the body's muscular and skeletal systems, the Pilates use exercises that integrate the whole body to re-educate and restore it to optimum muscular and skeletal function. There’s no link between pilates and cholesterol, it’s just something I picked up recently:)

Please give me moral support for the cholesterol fighting plan and do not tempt me into any high cholesterol food. I shall update you with the results in 3 months time. For those of you who have no idea what is your cholesterol level, please go and make appointment with the nearest clinic, you never know (huh, suddenly become so health conscious).

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

when my parents go holiday

I’ve been traveling quite a lot in the past two years, I’ve learnt from checking the packing list one week in advance to packing the luggage one night before departure, things has been so routine to me now that I prefer to live on business trip more than home.

I do not worry about when to go, where to stay and how to commute anymore, the working culture here has trained me to be a “last minute” person, things will be worked out anyway, so don’t spend so much time thinking about how to work things out.

Until yesterday my parents told me “ this holiday we are going for holiday: mama is going to Sabah and papa is going to China.” What?!?! You are going on separate holiday? Nope, we are taking turn to go holiday, we have separate schedule and companion.

At first I told well it's good for them to take some time off to rest and relax, you know “parenting” job does not offer them any annual leave or sick leave through out the years. They have joined many local tours whenever they can squeeze out the time and energy to have fun a little.

When I come back from work today, my mom casually said “I use your black colour bag for my trip ya” Then so many thoughts crossed my mind over the split second: When is the flight? Where is the hotel? Who is the room mate? What is the hotel number? How is the itinerary?

I thought I do not want to over react, so I just nod my head and walk to my room. But when I was in the shower, my mind continued to wonder: What have she packed? What have she not packed? How is the weather there? How much money does she needs? I nearly want to go straight to her room and open up the luggage to check.

It feels just so strange that it’s time when we worry about our parents like they did when we were kids, I now finally understand why parents never stop worrying about their children, it is the never ending love that they have for the children. I feel so much like giving her a goodbye hug before she went to bed, but I’m worry that I may scare her off, lol.

Stay Away from Cervical Cancer

It was to my great surprise when the gynae told me the other day that we can now take vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, gynae took out a brochure and told me “Think about it, it’s good for yourself”. Well, firstly I have not heard about it before, secondly I doubt we can prevent cancer. So I go on to study about it, here’s some fact to share:

What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a disease caused by the abnormal growth and division of cells that make up the cervix, which is the narrow, lower end of the uterus (womb). Cervix is the neck of the womb (uterus) and it connects the body of the uterus to the vagina (birth canal).

What is the cause?
Cervical cancer is caused by a common virus called Human PapillomaVirus (HPV) and at least 50% of people who are sexually active will get genital HPV. HPV has nothing to do with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. There are 46 genetic types of HPV, but not all are dangerous. Only certain types of HPV, which can be transmitted from one person to another during sexual contact, increase the risk of cell dysplasia (abnormal cell growth) and/or progression to cervical cancer.

Who is at risk?
Every year, about half a million women have cervical cancer and about a quarter million die, and it is sad to know that every two minutes a woman dies of cervical cancer. In Malaysia, an average of about 2,000 to 3,000 women are admitted to hospitals for cervical cancer every year and about 500 die from it. The National Cancer Registry Report 2003 lists cervical cancer as the second-most common cancer that affects women in Malaysia, accounting for 12.9% of all female cancers.

Can it be prevented?
Until recently the only way to prevent cervical cancer wa regular Pap Smear testing to look for early signs of the disease. Pap Smear is a test that checks the cell on the cervix for changes that could lead to cancer. The good news is there is now other means of protection against cervical cancer.

Types of vaccines:

1. Cervarix
Cervarix is a vaccine intended to protect females against the diseases caused by infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18. HPV types 16 and 18 are responsible for approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases.

2. Gardasil :
Gardasil is the cervical cancer vaccine that helps protect against 4 types of human papillomavirus (HPV): 2 types that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 more types that cause 90% of genital warts cases. Gardasil is for girls and young women ages 9 to 26.

How the vaccine works?
Vaccination is to prevent HPV infection and may help to reduce risk of cervical cancer and other HPV related diseases caused by certain types of HPV. Ideally, a female should get the vaccine before they are sexually active because the vaccine is most effective in female who have not yet acquired any of the HPV types covered by the vaccine.

How much it costs?
At the moment, the market price of each dose of vaccine ranges from RM400-RM450 per dose. One will receive 3 doses where after the first does, the second and third dose will be given 2 months and 6 months after the first dose.

I came across this when I ran through all the news clipping :“The decision to protect your health is your own responsibility – you owe it to yourself, your husband and your children to do what it takes to protect yourself from this disease.” I’m seriously considering the vaccine, and you hope you feel the same and please spread the news to all ladies around.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

do you want to know when will you die?

What will normal people response to this question? Many of us will say “choi!!! dai gat lei si!!!*” Death always seems to be a dark and gloomy word to think about, what more to think about out own death. If given a choice, many of us rather not to know when we will die so that we don’t have to face the remaining days left with fear and tears.

But today I read a book about this person who said “I’m very lucky to know when I would die because I have all the time I get to say good-bye.” He even had a “living funeral” for himself, for he thinks it is a waste when all the friends and family pay tribute to the dead but they never got to hear any of it. He cried and laughed with the dearest people in his life and all the heartfelt things he never get to said to those he loves he said that day.

He is the main character in the best selling nonfiction book by American author Mitch Albom “Tuesday with Morrie”, Professor Morrie Schwartz. This is a true story of the last lesson that the author learnt from his college psychology professor who is dying from some serious neurological disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Death is the main topic around all the topics they discussed every week (if you want to know why Tuesday, go grab a copy of the book); it is death that makes Morrie had profound philosophies about living. I especially like what Morrie said when Mitch asked him if he felt sorry for himself. Morrie said he give himself a good cry if he need it, but then he concentrate on all the good things still in his life. He doesn’t allow himself anymore self-pity than that, a little each morning, a few tears and that’s all.

I thought exactly the same like Mitch about all the people who spent many of their waking hours feeling sorry for themselves, maybe they don’t stay in a luxury condo, maybe they don’t drive a sports car, maybe they don’t have a rich and handsome boyfriend and the list go on and on and they don’t intend to stop it. Sometimes we focus too much on the material things on earth and we forgotten about the most basic and original reason and live on.

I like this story I heard about this teacher who ask the students in the class “What are the seven wonders of the world?” Some said the Great Wall, the Pyramid, the Pisa Tower and so on, but there is one little girl who put up her tiny hand and answer “ The seven wonders of the world is to able to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch, to feel and to love.” We should be grateful to God every morning we open our eyes, for we have been given another day in life.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Tiffany & Co





“我老公偷偷在北京给我买的Tiffany & Co :)






Friday, 29 August 2008

Claudine's Diary

Today marked an important date in Claudine’s calendar, she decided to throw away her diary written over the past one year. At first, she thought she wanted to shred it, burn it, and bury it, she does not even want to look at what had been written, she want to remove this part of memory in her life, for it is too painful to recall.

While she walked out the door, she hold back on second thought. “Do I want to leave this part of my life empty? Should I just look at it one last time before I thrash it? Or should I gain independent from the past memory colonial in conjunction with the Merdeka Day?” She is not crazy yet since she could still have some sense of humor.

The first line on Claudine’s diary read like this: Is it pathetic if I do not have to go ahead for the fear of losing it one day? She remembers clearly that was the time she met Robbie, Robbie had touched her heart since the very beginning, he is decent, smart and humorous. Claudine never thought they would eventually end up together, she kept telling herself not to fall in love again, at least for a six month time.

For a few months, Claudine was not very sure of her feeling, has she allowed him to get too close to her, has she fooled herself to open up herself to the risk of being hurt again. She strongly resisted any body contact in anyway with Robbie, not even to look at her in a close distance. The first time he tried to hold her, she ran away like a few kilometers away bare footed on the beach.

Then they had their first fight on Claudine’s birthday, she asked for three days break to cool down. For a moment of time, she really thought Robbie is hurting her more than loving her, or like they always like to say it “love hurts”. But Claudine was surprised herself why she did not write anything about Robbie’s confession to her; that was the sweetest memory she had of him. But also with the superb absent minded, she suspect Robbie would not even remembered what had he said now.

She struggled when Tom, Dick and Harry also had bad comments about Robbie being playful and childish. She wanted him to come back to proven them wrong, and at the same time she was putting a bet with her own trust, she was so afraid that the whole world was right and she was the last one to find out, but it was too late, for she was already in love.

As Claudine read through her diary, she began to feel more and more reluctant to destroy the diary, she wants to keep this memory and read when she is in her seventies or eighties, when she has forgotten how was is like to be in love.

Robbie had tried not only once, but several times to read her diary when she bathed. He claimed that her diary does not look like an diary, and it was exposed with no lock at all for the first time, but the second time he said Claudine did not hide it after the first time and it was still in the same place.

After reading one two pages of the diary, he even made a conclusion through his observation. Claudine only write diary when she was upset, he could tell from the hand writing: anger, frustration and helpless. Yes, Claudine was not an articulate person, she used to hide her feeling and let her emotion burst when she can’t hold it anymore.

Claudine tore the diary apart after taking a deep deep breath, there are things hat should go with the ashes and there are things she should look at the present and appreciate what she already has.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第十三序: 工作篇)


怎么说呢,我们身为管理部门,应该以身作则,在任何时候保持同样的原则工作,这样下面的人才会服从你,最算接待有多不满意,也会明白你已经尽全力帮他们争取,对吧?可是my super nanny 里面的大主管KT不但一点支持我们工作的意识也没有,而且经常,不是经常,应该是无时无刻的在增加我的工作难度,不但只没有赞赏我前期努力落实的门票方案,而且还含血喷人说我没有给他争取最好的门票,要我好好会去反省。



小主管YD 也不比他好很多,在我收拾好行李在愁着什么方法可以把超重危机减到最低的时候,他想我宣布一个坏消息,说某某领导忘了带奥运几年T恤会去,要我帮忙带回马来。 我第一个反应就是“不行,我的行李已经超重。”他竟然气忿忿的说“你怎么这样?领导让你带点东西会去,你想也不想就说不行。如果是我的话,我肯定把自己东西扔了,也要给领导带回去。”


同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第十二序: 女人篇)





临走时间我们几个女人帮出去唱k忘了时间回家,我们便到Vivian酒店借宿一宵。三个同年纪女人,一个结婚2年,一个拍拖1年,一个失恋4年,躺在一个大床上大谈男人经,那个晚上我竟然觉得世界上如果没有男人其实也不一定很可怕。这个Gloria就是在“I don’t want a boyfriend” 的大女人,最近打听到她前男友的事迹终于明白她为什么到现在还没有找到“第二春”,原来在“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”。


同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第十一序: 开闭幕篇)




同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第十序: 京剧篇)







Friday, 22 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第九序:卡拉篇)

前几天有个阿某请吃饭,邀请我们去一个地道的云南餐厅吃饭。我对云南菜特别有好感,口味不重,在众多超辣超油的西川、河南、西安菜等等对味蕾犹有一股清新的凉风掠过的爽快。 和这帮人吃饭每次都要来一点“白酒**”,这次点的白酒还是从云南空运过来的,装在竹筒里,配合服务员身上穿着的传统服装,这餐饭吃起来感觉很正。



吃完饭以后去麦乐迪唱K,听说是北京最好的卡拉OK,外表看来没有什么特别,除了中间留了很大的空间,好像一个舞池,还有一个小电视,可以让大家陶醉在酒吧拄唱的幻想里头。 唱歌,不就是拿起麦克风张开嘴巴对这大电视发泄,可是这个晚上我可大开眼界。




地址: 宣武门外大街香炉营头条33号院1号昆明大楼
电话: 010-83165699


Thursday, 21 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第八序: 比赛篇)

昨晚我见证了一个世界记录的诞生!!牙买加飞人博尔特在200米短跑决赛中以19秒30刷新了迈克尔-约翰逊保持了12年的19秒32的世界纪录,成为奥运会男子100米和200米的双冠王,而且在同一届奥运会刷新这两个项目的世界纪录。 历害吧?而且我不是在电视前看的喔,是在现场,是在北京国家体育场“鸟巢”亲眼目睹!!!







Wednesday, 13 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第七序:教堂篇)








Tuesday, 12 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第六序:逛街篇)



去年来北京的时候就逛过这些批发市场,今年再来发现一点不同之处。一来,冒牌货好像被政府打击的七七八八,路上偶尔还会看到有人穿,可是基本上没有看到有人卖了;二来,政府相应环保概念,很多商场都已经不提供塑胶袋,衣物买了就直接放在你的包里, 要塑胶袋的话好像要另外花钱买的。没有变的是人们买卖还是不标价,就算标价也还可以讨价论价,你能砍多少是多少,每个导购都已经是心里专家,每个价钱都是随便开。




同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第五序: 同居篇)







Saturday, 2 August 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第四序:吃饭篇)










Thursday, 31 July 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第三序:交通篇)



-如果汽车牌号的尾号是单号,则可以在单号日期(例:1,3,5,7...29,31号)行驶 ;-如果汽车牌号的尾号是双号,则可以在双号日期(例:2,4,6,8...28,30号)行驶。

举个例子,如果你们在今天7月13号(单号)架个2468 的车牌进入市区,被交警发现的话即被当场处以100元罚款。除此以外,许多主要干线都设置了奥林匹克专用车道,没有通行权的车辆已经不能进入。估计当天接我的司机就是误闯这些车道,难怪他就唠唠叨叨了整个晚上。




Monday, 28 July 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第二序:酒店篇)

好不容易到了酒店,在大堂check in的时候,看了看房价,一个晚上两千三百人民币。哇,公司这次真的是花重本钱,竟然在市中心给我们定了一家那么好的五星级酒店。酒店入住时候前台拿了我的护照扫描登记,要刷信用卡的时候才说这个好像不是我的房间,没有我的预定记录。我用我的同房名字找了一下,马上就找到,结果我就先用她的名字住了进去。









同一个世界 同一个梦想 (第一序:司机篇)

经常看到报章上写着中国为了迎接奥运的来临而做了许多准备,提升服务态度,加强卫生环境。 之前很多游客都抱怨中国厕所环境不卫生,而且就算大城市里有着自动冲水系统的洗手间竟然还是没有门(我亲自体会过)搞到现在还被列为全世界最多厕所的城市。





哦,还有这个出租车有没有开空调的,司机说天气那么好,不要浪费资源,结果半夜十二点我吹了半个小时的冷风。。还要听司机和其他司机对话,说今天中午吃了一斤水胶,结果现在肚子饿得很,可能晚点还在多载一轮客户等等等等。我实在听得不耐烦的时候,从包里拿出照相机,打算把这个精彩片段录下来,上载youtube 公告天下北京司机的德性,


Monday, 30 June 2008








Tuesday, 24 June 2008

seek ye first

just now something strange happened
i was listening to the cd in my car
"the breath of god"
i was listening
hoping to hear something
just in time for my stressed up mood
as the track goes
one by one
with different preaching
along the highway
i drive fast
some i cant hear it well
i think god has not spoken to me
because i look forward some advise
on how to deal with my life
in work particularly
and out of a sudden
i heard one of the track repeat:
i am sure i heard it just not too long ago
i am sure the track does not come back to repeat the second round
i was stunned
because the journey from klcc
to cheras toke less than 30 minutes
so it should not be repetitive
and even if the cd slipped sometimes
i won't go back to the previous track
and back home i try to find the track
i cannot find
I remember it says
“in everything you do
put god first”
then i realize i was so depressed recently
because i was focus only on myself
annie me and myself
i have forgotten about god
i have gone astray
and i forgot to u-turn
I remember this song
I heard last week

Seek Ye First
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
And his righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu, Allelujah
Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelu, Allelujah
Man cannot live by bread alone
But by every wordThat proceeds from the mouth of God
Allelu, Allelujah
Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelu, Allelujah
"I am the way, the truth and the life,"That's what Jesus said."
Nobody comes to the father but by me."
Allelu, Allelujah
Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelu, Allelujah
Ask and it shall be given unto youSeek and ye shall find
Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
Allelu, Allelujah
Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelu, Allelujah

a depressed diary

Why do I have brain but cannot think
Why do I have mouth but cannot speak
Why do I have hands but cannot move
Why do I have legs but cannot run

Why do I have myself
Yet I am not in charge of it

I always thought I have happy family
Until I found they have no been close at all
I always thought I have a good job
Until I am the only one left in office at wee hour
I always thought that I have pleasant look
Until I hate the reflection I see over the mirror

Why do I think only stupid complaints
When I can use it for constructive matters
Why do I speak of the sarcastic mourn
When I can voice out to seek for help
Why do I move with lack of confide
When I can write for a new resume
Why do I run into unsolvable trouble
When I can look for a greener pasture

I always thought I am a cheerful person
Until I found that I am severely emotional
I always thought I am a lucky person
Until I only have days and night of work
I always thought I know a lot of things
Until I show no wisdom in things I do

Why do I love myself
Yet I found so many flaws in it

Monday, 23 June 2008



就好像前几天和Zeb 聊天,说起我们当初是怎么认识的。他硬要说是他热情主动打开话题,因为我在办公事行色实在太匆忙,闲杂人等根本不敢靠近。我却记得是我看他一个新人在茶水间无聊,闲来无事的我装热情和他打招呼。不服气的Zeb还要和我对质我们到底聊了什么课题,但是当我提出当时他戴了什么手表,脱了出来让我试戴的时候。他竟然一点记忆也没有,还要坚持说没有这回事。到底是我自己一直在虚造回忆,还是自己脑袋有问题呢?




Sunday, 22 June 2008

I hate my girlfriend

I have this little girlfriend
She likes to act like princess
I have to give her tender loving care
All the time, every single seconds in my life

I met her in her darkness day
Where she has no one left to rely on
I become her knight in the shining armor
To protect her from the world full of depravation

I like her bubbly and cheerful manner
The way she laughs on all that I tell her
I was amazed when she met with a car accident
And still drive her crooked car for her dance lesson

She weeps in tears when I told her I love her
She waits for me to come home when I was away
She made her first cross stitch for my Christmas present
She even check put baking lesson to make cheese cake for my birthday

But the veil of the happiness was revealed
Now I see her true colour under the fake laughters
She is just a green monster in disguise in a fairy outfit
She is just an icon of emotion outburst every 20 seconds

She could not make up her mind over everything
She could not live up her life for her own purpose
She always thirst for my attention like a hungry serpent
She always put me to blame whether or not it’s my fault

I can’t take it anymore
I do not want to be a servant
I do not want to marry a chaotic lass
I want to live my life the way I want it to be

But I do not know how to say it
I do not know how I will break her heart
I wish I know how to break the spell
And make her the little girl that I always love

1, 2, 3 wake up or break up

Tiffany think she has spent enough time on Marco to find that they are not meant for each other. It is not a fight that they had, but they never had a fight through out the realtionship. Marco is the type of man that rarely lose his temper, whatever comes to him, he will talk to Tifanny nicely and sort thing out for he has never raise his voice to her. But to Tiffany, she just can not take it when she is ferociously angry and Marco still remians his calm and try to cool her down. In three attempts if she does not let go, he will give up and go back to his own work for he thinks that he has done his part and it’s up to Tiffany whether she wants to take it.

Tiffany feels that she is nobody whenever Marco did this to her. She wants a boyfriend that cares about her feeling and not just finish doing his part leave her alone. It is good that Marco allow her some time to cool down whenever she throws her tantrums and as the temperature cool off, the nerves get relaxed and the mind is cleared, chances are she realize that there is in fact nothing important that she was upset about. It could probably be a over board joke or a insensitive gestures or just a unpolite staring that Tiffany is not happy about. But she just hates it when Marco shows his indifference to her that life goes on whether or not you are happy with him.

Take this example, Tiffany has this afternoon noon routine every weekend. She will display various “ low level of energy” symptoms very afternoon on Saturday and Sunday for her body will switch to sleeping mode when the sun rise on top of her. She will have no appetite to eat, no strength to walk and no mood to talk, all she wants to do is just sleep and everything will be better after that.

Today, as usual Tifanny took her afternoon nap and Marco was busy online to read the football news. Being a light sleeper, she was not comfortable when Marco was shaking his leg on the bed, she was also not comfortable when the newly installed air cond made her sweat under the 18 degree temperature and when she finally dose off into deep sleep, Marco wake her up in a gentle matter and said it’s time to leave for football.

Waking up on the wrong side of bed, Tiffany was very agitated and annoyed, she feels like she has to live her life in accordance with Marco’s phase. When he is busy with his own movie, album, football etc, she has to find her own entertainment. But when he is free to talk to her, she has to stopped everthing that she is doing and listen to him. With a sour face and twisted mood, Tifanny packed her bag and get to her car.

Unaware of his wrong doing (or was he just being so unattentive), Marco wanted to kiss her goodbye, and Tifanny turn her face away. On the second attempt, Marco said don’t be like that and Tiffany turn her face away. On the third attempt, Marco said I’m sorry and Tiffany turn her face away still. So Marco closed the door and walked back to the house leaving Tiffany alone.

I don’t want a boyfriend..

It is now left 96 hours before I reach the age of 29, it’s a common question people around me ask “ when are you getting married?” or “ when is your turn?” on friends’ wedding dinner or even “ aren’t you worry if nobody marries you?”. Well, it’s a lie if I tell you I am not looking forward to meet my prince charming or my knight in the white horse or I’m not worry that I will live a single life forever. But what is it that I must get married, because everybody is doing so, or because everybody is doing so that I will have no more friends to hang out with or because I just need a husband no matter what.

I once discuss with Gloria, a friend that is my same age about how are we to survive without a boyfriend. Gloria proclaimed that she look forward a marriage as soon as possible, not because she feels lonely or she need some man to protect her, but it is the biological clock that is pressuring her to get a husband. True love can be found at any age, even when you are on your dying bed, but the fertility of a woman passes without you noticing you and once the clock stop clicking. Voila, you can’t bear children anymore. And I subscribe to the idea that no family is complete without a kid or two.

Gloria is a very domineering career women, she knows her business very well. In her scope of work, nobody can pick any mistakes made by her and nobody dares to challenge her in any extent. Normally people will just ring her department up and request for things to get done without saying thank you, but when it comes to her, people will actually have to lower their voice and politely ask “ Gloria, sorry to trouble you, but could you help me to do so and so?” in a shivering tone.

Hence, many men were intimidated by her, not to say to court her but even to be her friends alone. In a dining table, she does all the talking, the commenting, the teasing and the joking. Man comes into no use in front of her. Now you may think she is for sure not pretty that’s why nobody is attracted to her. She is petite, fair, have bright round eyes and she will shower you with tender loving care once you step into her “ fort of social distance”.

She once told me “We are not the leftover my dear, we are just too good that no man dares to approach us for they are not confident to handle us, they want woman that is easy to handle to fulfill their egoistic nature, and they want submissive woman that they can boss around so that they can be the head of the family. And one day I am sure that our Mr Right will knock on our door for only them knows the true values in us and to bring out the best in us” Though it is a little bit boastful ( just a little la), I do hope that one day my prince charming will come and bring me to the wonderland but not the grave of all love.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Stupid thoughts on 1st of June

Well, who does not know today is the 1st of June? What’s the big deal with 1st of June? Or rather what’s wrong with 1st of June? Every year in the history we have never missed the 1st of June, it is the 152nd day in the Gregorian** calendar, and there are simply 213 days remaining until the end of the year. If we walk down the memory lane, we may come across the following:

In 1958 - Charles de Gaulle brought out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months. 1 June 1968, an Australian actor and singer called Jason Donovan were born. 1 June 1978, FIFA World Cup kicks off in Argentina with a match held in Buenos Aires between cup holder West Germany and Poland. 1 June 1998, an American actor called Darwin Joston had past away.

It’s okay if you do not know who is Charles de Gaulle or Jason Donovan or Darwin Joston, I do not know all of them either, because this people just had nothing to do in our life. And the story I’m going to tell you today also have nothing to do with you. It’s okay if you decided to stop reading, go ahead, you have nothing to lose.

On the 1st of June 2008, I do not what the big thing or small thing is coming up today, but in the tiny universe of mine, it has many significant days in the month of June. 8 June, I will finally complete a course, which I consistently attended at 8:30 Sunday morning for 6 consecutive weeks, 17 June, my company is participating in the biggest event in the Asia Pacific where no milestone in the initial plan has achieved so far, which I continue to have nightmares over it again and gain, 21 June, my best friend ever will dump me and flee away with a another guy by the name of “her legally married husband”, which made me heart broken (I am not lesbian, but she is really my best friend)

Seems like there are so many hick up in this disastrous month of June, but same time last year I started to believe in fantasy, because fantasy sometimes give hopes in life and I hope this fantasy will go on for ever ( though before this I never believed in forever).

P/S: Gregorian calendar is the calendar we are now using; base on astronomical year numbering, other calendar widely use today includes Lunar calendar and Islamic calendar.

Thursday, 29 May 2008



就在大家开始松懈下来的时候,Michael又冒冒然的发来一个短信“我从国外回来,有时间坐下来聊几句吗?”Annabell又开始神经质起来,这人当初明明说他已经不是“single and available” 怎么还有这些闲情来做这种事情?如果说他表明意态来追求的话倒还可以接受,一个单身男人为了自己的终身幸福而做出努力是值得敬佩的;可是一个有了女朋友(也可能是老婆)的男人还要那么明目张胆的到处结识女性朋友,难道不怕被人阎了吗?他不怕被阎,Annabell也怕无端端被陌生女人掌刮。



照片进来的时候,Annabell几乎傻眼了。这个男人戴黑框眼睛,个子很大,像电影里头未变身前的超人的男人Vicky的有钱男友吗?这个男人在朋友圈子都很有名气的,他豪爽的给女友一辆宝马代步,人人都在猜他到底是那家太子爷,还是那个臭老头,竟然出手那么阔。Vicky知道自己男友在想办法认识她自己同事吗?Vicky有份参与这个圈套吗?Vicky知道了对付男友还是Annabell?Annabell是否需要提醒Vicky这个男友有点诡异? 事情好像越来越复杂, Annabell完全不知所措。

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

How man suffers from PMS

According to the wikipedia, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle. While most women of child-bearing age have some premenstrual symptoms, women with PMS have symptoms of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life". Such symptoms are usually predictable and occur regularly during the two weeks prior to menses.

During this period of time, man on the other hand would become the victims of the following symptoms:

Huh? Was there a typo mistake in the previous paragraph? Man would suffer or woman would suffer from “that time of the month again” symptoms? For man out there who has girlfriend or wife would understand, woman are not the only victim suffering from the PMS (some man called it Pre-Monster Stage, which match perfectly well, during this awful period their loving and caring would turn into hatred and wrath of fire ), hence they also become the second hand victim from the above.

Calvin was so frustrated when every month like clockwork, Jennifer come down with a strange collection of symptoms. She becomes extremely irritable, snapping at Calvin many times without the slightest provocation. One second ago, she was just complaining about how life is bored, and the next second she yelled at him and said “I hate you!” Calvin was stoned and wondering erm… what have I done wrong again this time? Is this for not making enough effort to make her life wonderful? Or just for not giving her the full attention she seeks for when she claims that she is now very depressed? He could never understand why Jennifer always trying to make his life difficult using the lousy PMS excuse.

Daniel on the other hand has done a full research on what is PMS and he fully understands that Rachel can’t control her emotions due to the hormone changes in her body. He could even work out the schedule in the calendar, yup, this is about time of the monster release again. Before the tantrum smack on his face, he would comfort Rachel by saying “ yes, I understand why you are sensitive and over emotional, if you feel better just by throwing the temper to me, I will surely bear with it, I want to go through this with you together” It works almost all the time that the fire in Rachel would put off at least half and she begin to gain consciousness again.

In the British court room, PMS has been widely used as a legal defense for crime since 1980s. Owen, an arsonist whose did the crime during PMS was free given expert opinion, Reynolds, who murdered her mother when suffering PMS and postnatal depression, was freed on appeal. A girl even ran her car into the boyfriend an killed him after a row with her boyfriend, the murder charge was reduced to manslaughter after the doctor testified that her blood sugar had fallen, causing a surge of adrenaline due to severe PMS and not eaten for nine hours.

So man why risk your life when PMS is a temporary condition and it will pass with time. Your girlfriend will likely be back to her normal self within a few days. Just have some patience, If she wants to be by herself, give her some space. If she wants to be with you a lot and is acting clingy, make sure that you are around for her. If she wants to talk, lend her an ear. If she seems like she wants a hug or a kiss, kindly oblige. Let her dictate the relationship during this time.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008



故事大概在一年前开始,Debbie经常在网上结识朋友,她总幻想自己有一天会碰到骑着白马的王子会带她进入神奇的童话故事。几乎每个礼拜都会有一次“新朋友见面”的约会。 有一次Madelyn八卦问她,你们都在那里见面?是不是人潮很多的地方?见面时候有没有带防狼器?有没有注意他有没有跟踪你回家等等。。





Tuesday, 13 May 2008


Annabell 今天吃完午饭,无聊起来打算在购物商场好好逛一逛,心里暗想每天饭后步行三十分钟,应该可以把自己还未被发现的小肚腩给去掉。好久没有好好为自己添个鞋子,裤子,裙子,反正女人花钱就是因为衣橱里永远少了一件衣服,不需要其他原因。

在Bodyshop门口盘算着这家店甚么时候打折时,手机短信响了一下,是一个陌生号码 “Annabell, 我曾经几次碰见过你,很想有机会认识你, 不知道我有没有这个荣幸?我也在某某楼办公, Michael”Annabell脑子里第一个反应就联系到电台每天上午的胡闹恶作剧电话,装成什么神秘人物特地把人家搞的超级丢脸,听众最喜欢听到别人的丑事。



回到座位上的Annabell正在烦恼怎么没找到这个人的信息呢?电话响了。“喂,你好!”“喂,我是Michael。。”天呀,他竟然打电话来了。这人好无聊,办公事那么近也不走过来打个招呼。 谈话期间发觉事情好像越来越不对劲。这个Michael不是Annabell的同事,他只在同一栋楼的电梯里碰见过她,而且可以神通八大的查到她的电话,工作地点。


Monday, 5 May 2008


刚才Catherine 走到楼下的时候,看到天空下着毛毛细雨,突然间眼前看到的好像电影情节一样,镜头一转就会到30年前。。还记得有一次天空也是下着毛毛细雨,她和Eason在楼下困着,雨点一小点一小点撇在她身上,Eason用他自己的身躯把娇小的Catherine给包围着,不让雨点沾溼她的身体。



Man最近好像也没有什么动态,因为有一次午饭的时候, Catherine很明显的回避Man不和他同桌吃饭。可能Man也感觉到Catherine的不自在,不敢在进一步调查下去,也可能Man认为原来Catherine不值得跟踪,反正她现在已经有了要好的男朋友,没有什么新闻价值可以会去写小报告。


Saturday, 3 May 2008

so much time, so little plan..

Do you know what’s your plan tonight? Well, I am not asking you for a date, but I am keen to know if you plan you time in advance? And how much in advanced? The other day I was talking to Rachel saying some of our friends are just so into play by ear, goes with the flow, for they do not like to be constrained by plan made ahead of their time. Rachel smile and said “ That’s only applied to young chaps, for they always think time will never ran out of use”

Erm.. I am not sure about that. Since young I always plan my time, from primary school
having a check book on the daily home work, secondary school having a schedule on the exam revision plan, working life having a diary of all the events through out the years, I just can’t live without a reminder beside me. Even at home I have a notepad near my bedside, just in case I suddenly have things to do the next morning. I couls hardly sleep without knowing what’s the plan for at least tomorrow, if not the few days that follows.

I do not feel secure without knowing what’s coming up next, I can not sleep without knowing exactly what’s the itinerary over the weekend. And I hate it when people just come up with brilliiant ideas like “Why not we do this and that later today or tomorrow morning” Unless it is a superb idea that will turn my world around, these questions are normally met with “ Why can’t you tell me earlier?” I just hate it when somebody screwed up my plan, whether or not I have a plan at all.

Is there anything wrong with me? What part of the brain progrmming is faulty? Some may think I am putting too much pressure on myself to plan for this plan for that, life is no fun when everything is well planned off. Why can’t we “JUST DO IT” like Nike says it. Well, I do not know who can asnwer that, but I don’t see how I can do it for now. Can anyone help?