Monday, 7 December 2009

香港意外收获 (一)旺角





就在旺角左走右绕找不到什么好看点,正打算离开的时候,最奇妙的事发生了。我看到药品店在打折,放手走进去一看(can you imagine that? 我和室友竟然是环着手shopping的,唉,orang tanah besar memang suka macam ini, 习惯了,也很enjoy,哈哈),一转眼就看不到她的踪影,前面一家店?后前一家店?咦?还是没有。。到哪去了呢?更奇怪的事,这个时候手机竟然没有信号,连打电话的机会也没有。考虑了半天(其实就几秒)算了,自己走。反正人家也不想淘便宜货,谁有我这个耐心,慢慢淘。







香港有一个和新加坡This Fashion很相似的服装店,应该是叫In Fashion,粉红颜招牌,哇,这里的衣服可便宜,可漂亮,again我重覆不要期望高质量,就好像去泰国或印尼淘便宜货一样,最重要的是“平、靓、正”。我在网上找不到明确地址,但是这家店在旺角和加连威老道都有分店,应该很容易找到。不好意思,我把单据给弄丢了,明明带回来马来,可是却不知道扔到那里去了,抱歉啊。



在旺角shopping的另外一个好处是这里街边小吃好多好多,很可惜这次不知道为什么就是没有心情照相,所以没有办法和你们共享,不过不用紧,反正不用去找,到此都是吃的。咖喱鱼蛋、鸡蛋仔、烧包王、炭奶茶、许留山,尤其是鸡蛋仔,一定要吃!OYISHI!!!!它其实就是鸡蛋、面粉做成的errr。。像waffle 和pancake之类的家庭成员,香香脆脆的,很好吃。有些档口还要做好以后,用吹风筒一样的小机器吹吹凤才让你吃,挺搞笑的。



刚才看回自己的日志,发现很多时候自己曾经有过那样的感觉,那样的想法,真的有一点被吓到。好像太天真、太傻那篇,我看了题目,想了半天都想不出原来自己写过这个东东,而且那种感觉好像好遥远,真的是我吗?还有08年很多的小说篇,呵呵,原来自己还挺会编的喔,没有想到,而且现在如果你要我执笔重写,应该是mission impossible咯。

最高兴的是看到自己在北京奥运会期间写下的13序的散篇,清清楚楚的记住当时被欺压的心情,出去玩的乐趣,和女友分享的喜悦。每次写日志的时候经常有会这样的感觉,怎么那么一直写还是没完没了啊,有时候会很累,尤其某些事情你经历过,分享过,酝酿过,还要一字一句的慢慢记录下来,明知道自己拼音打字又很慢,有时候还是很pek chek。







Tuesday, 30 June 2009

How a son or daughter thinks of his/her father at different ages

At 4 years
My daddy is great

At 6 years
My daddy knows everybody

At 10 years
My daddy is good but is short tempered and knows little than my friend’s Daddy

At 12 years
My daddy was very nice to me when I was young

At 14 years
My daddy is getting fastidious

At 16 years
My daddy is not in line with the current times. Frankly he does not know anything

At 18 years
My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky

At 20 years
Oh! It’s becoming difficult to tolerate daddy. Wonder how Mother pus up with him

At 25 years
Daddy is objecting to everything. Don’t know when he will understand the world

At 30 Years
It’s becoming difficult to manage my son. I was so scare of my father when I was young

At 40 years
Daddy brought me up with so much discipline. I wonder how he managed to handle the younger generation

At 45 years
I am baffled as to how my daddy brought us up

At 50 years
My daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up. (We were four brothers and sisters). I am unable to manage a single son

At 55 years
My daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us. Even at this old age, he is able to control things. He is one of his kind and unique.

At 60 years
My daddy was great

Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and come back to the 1st stage!

Source: Unknown

Pastor Henry shared this during the Father’s Day celebration last week; it is perfect fact of life I must say. Like I always joke among my friends, we must “LONG PIAK” ie. bang the wall ourselves, in order to learn many lessons in life. There are many things we can’t learn from books, from friends or from parents unless we went through it the hard way.

I already passed through half of all the stages above, and I hope that it won’t takes me 56 years to reckon the fact that Daddy is great. Although there are times when I blame my father for not doing this and that, not giving this and that, I hope that there will be more times that I thank him for bringing me up the way he did.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Can I ask a question?

There are a few things I don’t quite understand and I hope that some of you will help to find out the answer, give me the answer or just tell me the truth.

I went for cinema to catch the TERMINATOR movie last night, was it a good show? I don’t think so, I feel dizzy after the first half an hour when the camera swivel here and there, and I felt sleepy the next half an hour trying to figure out who is good and who is bad. Anyway, that’s not the point, the point is I was freezing cold in the cinema even though I have put on my jacket!

Why do they have to make the air cond so so so cold that I almost feel like I am watching cinema in the north pole. Next time maybe I will have to bring my winter jacket only enough to keep myself warm. I reckon that sometimes there are specific reasons businessmen do certain things to torture customers for their own benefits. I heard they make the seat super uncomfortable in the restaurant so that you won’t hang on too long, they make the snacks super salty in karaoke so that you will order more drinks, but why make the cinema so cold? I can’t figure out.

This week has been a very pleasant week for me because I can wake up 15 minutes late in the morning every day and I can continue to do so for another week. Why? Because it is now school holiday for 2 weeks, that’s the most enjoyable time for me even I am no longer schooling.

But then ar.. You mean the school children in primary school in secondary school they are drive to school? Cannot be right? Or you mean all the papa or mama send them to school? Also cannot be right? Or you mean they leave their house and go to school at eight o’clock? Cannot be. Or you mean all the school are in town center? Cannot be also. Oh, I know now. You mean the number of cars to send children to school more than the number of us going to work? I scratch my head and I can’t figure out.

Another situation that puzzles me every time it happens is the jam on the road when it rains. Not to say thunder storm, even just drizzling will make the whole KL road jam x3. An half 45 minutes trip home could be doubled or tripled when it rains. It is the same road, the same route, the same car, the same driver, why must we stuck in the jam? Because the road is slippery? Just that simple? And many times we were stuck in the jam for hours and suddenly the road become smooth somewhere down the road, where was the jam? I don’t know, why was the jam? I don’t know. Is this called jam? I don’t know.

One last question, why is Milo just so tasty?

Basic Courtesy

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today teacher will share with you a few basic things to practice in order to be a courteous person. Are you a courteous person now? NO!!!!! he is not, he is not, not not not not!! He has never taken a courtesy lesson before in his life and nobody taught him how!!!!

Yes, I am referring to the nanny of the supernanny. To keep you updated, the organization structure in my department has again been transformed into a perfect pyramid:

This is not self pity but this is the reality, my department is full of bosses and I am the only staff there. We have been working together perfectly and this is how we distribute the work load:

When I was on the phone just now, my medium boss came to my place and talked to me. I turned and looked at him, hoping him to see that I’m on the phone. He saw me holding the phone and he continued to give his order, without even given me a break to ask to other person on hold. I feel frustrated but I told myself maybe he is the boss and he thinks I should listen to him first on top of everybody else.

Then he left my place. Few seconds later, my phone rang and I answered politely like we were taught to do so in the company “wei, ni hao” literally means hello, you good. The person on the other end said “pass the phone to so and so.” What?!?! He can’t even said “hello” or “annie” is it? Even when we asked our maid at home to do work also we will call her name. What is he treating me like? I am not even his PA!!!

Come to think of it, I remembered he has this habit of “taking” stationeries from my table without asking for permission, not once, not twice but all the time. You mean maybe he took it when I was not around? No! I was sitting at my place and the whatever stationery was just right in front of me, and he walked straight to my place, took it and walked away. Gosh..
What I hate most about him was this classic incident I would never forget. One day, we were so happened working together on some event. As he read through the guidebook, he has some questions and he wanted to clarify with the person who wrote it. He has the guidebook on his hand, the person’s number on the guidebook, the phone in front of him, the brain in his head, the mouth in his face, he hand in his body in tact and he asked me “you, call and ask!”

Excuse me?!?! Are you fully paralyzed or what? What is it that I have and you don’t have that you need me to make the call for you?!? I can’t get this part right even until now. In every meeting that we attend, when he has questions or opinions, he will said to me and asked me to say it out. That’s why I told others that my boss if paralyzed the whole body except his mouth. At most he can do is only moving his lips, that’s all.

And the most ridiculous part is that I received an email cc to me sent by some customer’s secretary, her remarks was this “ thank you for being so nice to me all this while, sometimes you words just cheer me up the whole day” Seriously, I nearly fainted when I saw this, is she blind or deaf or dumb? Why on earth did she make this remarks? No, I didn’t pass out, but I throw out, amat menjijikkan..
Forget to tell what is my medium boss position in the company, the Director of XXX and XXX, XXX Region and what he does in the office? I don’t know the detail, but I often heard “ Are you home already, what are you doing now” “How is my daughter doing in school today?” “The stove in the kitchen is not working, can you please check it out?” “Which number do you think I should choose 012, 019…” Busy, very busy all the time.

And he just got promoted few days ago!! Why like that?!?!?! Well, it only shows that all his shoe polishing work is paying him well I guess. Even though I hate him for many things that he has done, he has no doubt the most welcoming hospitality room in the office, whenever he is around, he will have a lot of guests drop by to have a nice long chat with him.

You know every year I would have a new boss, and he is the only who can sustain the second year. What is the reason behind? All my other bosses has outstanding performance over the one year time span and they are promoted to handle more important task, and this one.. I guess he has not done anything and the management decided to give him another year to do something. Poor me, oh poor me

Sunday, 31 May 2009









备注: 传说中国第一个吃燕窝的人是明朝航海家郑和。郑和的远洋船队在海上遇到了大风暴,停泊在马来群岛一个荒岛处,食物紧缺。无意中发现荒在断石峭壁上的燕窝,于是命令部属采摘,洗净后用清水炖煮,用以充饥。数日后,船员各个脸色红润,中气颇足。于是船队回国时带一些供奉给皇帝。

How Bill Gates cured her PMS

Today I am going to talk about PMS (again ar!??!??!). Yes, again. Is is the never ending battle between me and the hormone, it was last year same time I wrote about PMS and until now I have found no solutions to it. And today I’m going to share with you a success story how this woman LJ who overcome her PMS problem with Bill Gate’s help. You mean Bill Gates is now venturing into woman’s health business? Continue to read and you will find out later.

LJ hates the word hormones, it is the magic spell that cast a decent understanding woman into a unreasonable fierceful monster, every month, wihout fail. Imagine a full quarter of our productive years was trapped in this PMS jail, say we have menses from the age of 13 to 53, over the aspan of this 40 years, the PMS takes up 25% of the time, which is 9.2 years, 110 months, 480 weeks, 3360 days, 80640 hours in our life, and what? You tell me there is nothing we can do about it??

So LJ used this “Entourage”, Microsoft's information-management program for Mac users, to send monthly reminder to the husband and herself one week before her PMS at every 28 cycle. If I ever set this program for myself, the message surely turn out like this “WARNING! HAZARDOUS & DESTRUCTIVE MONSTER IS COMING IN 7 DAYS TIME”. LJ thought this would solve all the problems as the husband understand it is the hormones that is starting the culprit behind the monthly fight.

For me I really think PMS is a magnifying glass in my life, but this maginifying glass is defected as it can only ENLARGE INDEFINITELY the small little invisible flaws and mistakes and keep it pop up in front of of eyes every 0.000023 seconds, so we see nothing but the ugliest side of human mankind, the husband or boyfriend in particular. So back to the story, LJ thought if the husband have get to know the PMS in advance, he would have be more alert and guess what man just can’t be bothered about this female hormones stuff. LJ gets even more frustrated when the fight still go on month after month.

Until one day she realized that it was not the husband responsibility to indulge her. She expects the husband to be more tolerant during that time of the month, to be more patient during that time of the time. But wait, whose problem is the PMS now? The wife or the husband? She shifted her mindset to deal with the problem face to face. Instead of expecting the husband to work on it when he sees the reminder, she chose to work on herself seeing the reminder, she chose to deal with the hysteric, unreasonable, moody and depressed self every month.

She prepared herself for a potentially tense week when she received the reminder, she has the awareness in her subconscious to start the battle. She knows this is just going to be temporary, the normal loveable self wil be back just a few days and all things will be beautiful again. So she grab a chocolate bar, tell the husband “I’m PMSing”. Cool huh?

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Do you know your feet type?

I’ve experience some pain at the ball of the feet sometimes last year, at first I thought it is because I’ve wearing high heels to work most of the days, then slowly I realized even when I wear flat to go shopping or what, the pain is still there, just one particular spot on the ball of the right foot.

As I was wondering what is wrong with my feet, I came across this shop in Marina Square “Ergo Lab”, they sell ORTHOTICS AND BIOMECHANICAL INSOLES with ultimate support and comfort. Erm.. not a bad idea huh, so I went in to the shop out of curiosity.

The sales assistant offer the do a foot scan in order to know my feet better before she recommend the suitable insoles for me, so I stand on the machine which looks exactly like a scale, after a few seconds an image appear on the computer screen as below:

According to the sales assistant, I have high arch feet from what we see in the scan image. We clearly see the “footprint” on top, on bottom, but in the middle KOSONG! That means the entire weight/pressure of the body is placed on the front and back of the feet only, no wonder the ball of the foot keep on having pain after some walking.
You see, normaly human feet should look like this, that’s how we learnt to draw the footprint also right? In this case, the weight/ pressure of the body can be distributed evenly on the feet, so the feet are biomechanically efficient and can use any you want to.

For my feet type they called it HIGH ARCH, as thoug there is a high arch between the forefeet and the heel. The band connecting the forefoot and the heel is very thin or non-existant in my case. Hence the feet are not very effective as a shock absorber since the arch doesn't collapse enough to absorb it.

So they recommended me to buy this insole especially formulated to cater for people with high arch, it has this protuded portion in the middle of the insole to make good for the “vacuum arch”, so that the feet will have enough surface to absord the shock as we walk.

It cost me about SGD 49, and to be true it does help when you put this insole in the shoe, you literally feel the insole like some labour working hard to lift up that part of the feet. But most of the time, after you insert in the insole, the shoe become tighter and the discomfort at the ball of the foot has been transformed or transferred to the little toes as the shoe become too small for them.

Overall, I still give it a yes, because the pain in the toe is nothting compare to the pain in the ball of the foot. Lol.. If you are interested to know your feet type, you can do this simple experiment at home:


礼拜天回家的路上,我一贯如常的在马路上奔驰(不要鄙视我的SLK,ok!!),在康乐花园的高速公路上看到长长的车龙, 心想“不是吧,礼拜天都会堵车?肯定是发生意外了”。我无所谓,继续在炎热的天气在车内下享受冷气,哼哼歌曲。


怎么知道?!怎么知道交警竟然把我拦着,让我把车驶到边上。我还很冷静的,关掉收音机,打开窗口。 “Selamat Tengahari, Cik” 警察很快的就来到我车旁,“Sila tunjuk lesen memandu, Cik”现在的公务员都很客户,很有礼貌,也很有耐性, 当然啦, 前马上要到手,心里还不是哈哈大笑吗!

接下来发生的对话,大家应该也有经验,不用我长篇大论的。“Cik sudah melepasi had laju sehingga 93km, had laju di sini 80km sahaja” 我假装无知的问说“Yakah?Di mana?”警察叔叔,很巧妙的每个警察叔叔都顶着大大的肚腩,留着黑黑的胡须,好像一个饼摸做出来似的。 接下来他问“Boleh saman?”,我心里在想如果我说Tak Boleh的话难道你对说“Ok, cik boleh jalan sekarang。”

我偏偏不想给这些烂警察机会minum teh,我冷冷的说“Boleh”,一点哀求的成分也没有,根本是死性难改的那种态度回答他。他拿起本子,正经八百的拿起手里的笔开始装模作样的。我也没有兴趣去管他怎么写,心里在想什么时候有时间去还就算了。谁知道他一个转身。。怎么啦?怎么啦?到底怎么了嘛?他说“Kali ini bagi amaran, lain kali jaga sikit ya”

我愣了一下?怎么啦?这个月的saman quota 满了吗?还是警察叔叔自己心里有鬼?我想,应该不是有鬼,是有神!还有谁能够把相差几秒就发出来的传票收回去?是全能的神吧。


这两个月来最常听到别人对我说的问候语就是“你最近瘦了哦?”或者“你在减肥吗?”或者是“你是有病啊?怎么瘦成这样?”一开始的时候我会怀疑这些人是不是有病啊?我明明没有瘦却说到我好像瘦的像排骨一样?Tzeh还淘气的说我已经瘦得像来自非洲的牛了。。 直到有一天我心血来潮在衣橱里拿出一见已经n年没有穿过的牛仔裤一试,哇!!!竟然可以拉上拉链,而且还挺舒服的。 这件牛仔裤是我几年前最瘦的那一阵子买的,超级紧身,穿了没多久就穿不下去了。这时候我无法在欺骗制自己,原来我真的瘦了,惨了。。

我知道你们看到这里可能会很想揍我,可是我年底就要结婚了,正当每个新娘都在努力减肥的时候我竟然under weight, 这可是天大的耻辱啊。。前两个星期去拍婚纱照的时候看着镜子竟然看到一根KAYU,好像哭喔。。有一件晚装也正因如此穿的不堪入目,难看死了!人家说当模特儿要有衣架子的身材,我的身材也是衣架子:只看到衣服,看不到架子。。

伤心欲绝的时候,我上网搜查“如何增肥”, 结果给我找到胡杏儿拍肥田喜事的增肥菜单。 她除了每天吃6餐,中间还不断的喂自己是雪糕,巧克力和鲜奶。其他人看到可能会羡慕死。我看到却想吐死。我本来除了三顿正餐就不吃零食,也不喜欢巧克力,薯片,雪糕,汽水等垃圾食物,要我这么个吃法,我看我会更瘦――不断的呕吐!



体重 : 43.3kg
体内脂肪 : 20.1%
内脏脂肪 : 1
基础代谢率 : 1043
体内年龄 : 18
骨重 : 28.8kg
BMI : 17.6

还可以嘛?我最瘦的时候才43kg,比现在还少 0.3 kg。体内脂肪好像是在标准的以下一个“slim category”,也及格啊。内脏脂肪,那个阿姨说正常人的内脏脂肪指数是4,我的只有1,不太好,因为如何内脏完全没有脂肪的话,身体器官很容易产生摩擦,容易造成损害。哈?那我该怎么办?网上也找不到任何内脏脂肪的文章,那位高人可以指导一下吗?Anyway,我的BMI明确显示我是UNDER WEIGHT, 一点点啦,可以啦。。

妈妈知道这个消息后已经把我每天早餐的分量DOUBLE给我,我也努力每天晚上喝完一杯MILO才睡觉,午餐前吃饼干,晚餐前吃饼干,我相信在不久的将来我一定可以增加1kg, 太少? 好了好了,2kg,ok?45kg看起来就像正常人啦,嘻嘻。。

Saturday, 4 April 2009



唉。。我在想这到底是个好事还是坏事呢?我真的没有真正的体验过什么人心险诈,勾心斗角等办公室政治。一直一来我都以为人与人是可以和睦相处,真心以对的, 感谢上帝给我这么多真诚的上司、同事、朋友和家人。我真的不知道人性的丑恶,也不知道社会的险毒。




Thursday, 12 March 2009

Why is this happening?

Today I got home and my mom told me that one of the neighbours was snatched out side her house few hours ago. Gosh, it was just one row behind our house, “Three man on a motorcycle whack the old lady on her back with a stick of wood of metal and took away her hand gold necklace from her..”

And she continued, “No serious injuries reported, and by the way your sister also got robbed few days ago.” Huh? What on earth is this?!?!?!??! I was snatched just two months ago and now my sister? In the same housing estate and literally the same road that we walk pass every day?

My brother looked at me left right center and said “Make sure you don’t wear any jewelry on the road, these people are crazy now.” According to my sister, she was walking out with her two children to buy some groceries at the shop lot near our house. She saw a motorcycle driving very slowly towards her and she could smell something fishy went on, she kept herself closer to the side of the road and she saw the motorcyclist turning into another road.

Before she could even let go her suspicious breath, the motorcyclist came again from the corner, and the culprit at the back took out a “saw-like object” and grab her golden necklace away. She was shouting and struggling but once again the robbers went away easily without anyone noticing. Guess what, the two robbers were not wearing any helmets and my sister could look straight into their face (but so what, police can’t do anything to help at all)

I do not know why this phenomenon is happening all around? Even now that two months has passed by, I am still paranoid whenever any motorcyclist coming any where between 50 meters radar from me. One of my colleagues in office was robbed in the middle of the road while she was waiting for the traffic light to turn green. What happened was the motorcyclist broke the side window with his bare hand to take her handbag away, and I just had the phobia whenever my car stops for any traffic light any time any where.

Sakit… Aduh…Sakit

I just came back from a Plastic and Surgery Clinic, but I still look the same like before. (?!) I was there not to be cosmetic surgery but to get treatment on my BIG BIG BCG scar. For those of you who may have paid attention, I have a thick dark scar of nearly 2 inches long at my BCG spot.

I had this since standard six or some where after the BCG injection, and I was not paying a lot of attention of the scar until one day I realize it is getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes I felt itchy and sometimes I felt extreme pain out of no where. Then I start to ask doctors what I can do about it. I remember one of the GP in government hospital once told me.

“When you have a wound on the BCG injection spot, the skin will grow back in order to cover the wound. That’s how normal skin works, but your skin being a little dump, they do not stop after they have covered the wound, that’s why it keeps growing and growing. If you were to cut it, there will be another wound and the skin will grow again to cover that wound, and you will ended up having a much bigger scar”

Since then, I gave up asking around for I thought there is nothing I can do about it. Until recently a friend of mine told me we can get rid of it by taking steroid consistently until the scar fall flat. I tried to search online I can’t find anything but the fact that keloids always come back no matter what treatment to be used. (Dumb skin! Really dumb!!)

I don’t know how and why and where I have the courage today to go to the clinic, I thought maybe to just to find out how is the procedure and what are the percentage that the scar can be flatten. The doctor said this when she first saw my arm “ I do not know how you can ensure this, you keloid is so big and now only you come to see me.”

I replied no one told me about you, else I would have come ten-twenty years ago. After a long discussion with the doctor, I found out that apparently the treatment for keloid is very common and it has been carried out in Malaysia since donkey years. No risk, no side effect, but PAIN.

Yes, I am in great pain now, doctor told me it would be pain for the first treatment, but she didn’t tell me it would be more pain after the injection. Gosh, right now I just feel like all the pain accumulated over the years are blasting out at one go.. No doubt a little bit of regret did cross my mind, all these years keloid has been living with me in harmony and I started the warfare, imagine eleven more to go..

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Repot Polis (II)

It has been three days since I last posted the blog on snatch theft incident I suffered from, at first I wanted to write about the aftermath of the case: I fell sick and very sick for three days.

After settling the police report I went back home to bath and rest, but I feel severe pain in the bones, I thought I must be the rain that causes me flu and sore throat and subsequently body ache. I didn’t bother to think because I was still traumatized by the lost stuff.

It was only later the night I realized I have fallen sick when I feel my body shivering from the say 30 degree hot weather. My brother brought me to see doctor and the lady said I was having high fever of 38.9 degree and suggest me to take a jab, I resisted and took some medicine home

I wake up next morning with the same sickness and I went to see another doctor, more medicine given (9 types altogether). All the sickness I could think off came to me: fever, flu, sore throat, headache, cough, diarrhea, not to mention to strain on my arm that I found that much later.

So I was sleeping and eating medicine and sleeping and eating medicine and the circle went on and on for three full days. I asked “ God, why do you allow this happen to me?” The instant feeling of my bag being snatched keep haunting me and make me paranoid to leave the house. (Especially the location of the theft is a road I must pass through to go in and out of my house)

Today as I began to seek for God’s comfort in songs and psalm, I started to understand that I have been setting my mind on the wrong focus. I have been thinking on how much loses I suffered, I have been thinking on how could I have prevented it from happening, but this only allows devil to amplified the trouble and uses fear and doubt to attack my faith.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, the scripture says “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ”. At first I do not understand and I tried very hard to figure out what have I done wrong that God wants to chasten me this way.

I came across this meaningful article on the web that says crying and mourning does not help the situation and the people around us don’t appreciate it either. Only through praising God in times of trouble we can bring us into God’s throne for a personal consultation and breaks the devil’s grip on the situation.

God wants us to praise him in bad times because it shows our trust on Him. It shows that we believe His promises to carry us through. The author says “When we praise God, we focus on His proven character and His faithfulness to His promises. We demonstrate that we put more trust in God's promises than in our problems. That is faith. And our Lord responds to faith.”

Now I can see the whole incident from a different shed of light:

- I have not suffered any injuries except a small cut on the arm
- I have not withdraw money from the bank as I intended to
- I have just tainted the bag just not too long ago
- I have not bought the wallet with my own money
- I have not bought a new handphone according to plan
- I have downloaded all the photos from the camera before this
- I have enjoyed so much “family warmth” during the sick days

I troubled almost every family member of mine, to send me to police station, to send me to see doctor, to borrow me handphone, to cook for me porridge, to lend me money, and to give me lots of tender loving care. And we talked and spent time like I have not done for a long time, and the amazing thing is I found out how easy it is to say “thank you” to my family sincerely.

Lord, I praise you for your faithfulness and love toward me. I thank you for taking charge of my problems in every difficult situation. Please forgive me for setting my mind on the damage done and release me from the trauma and anger I have upon this incident, Lord. Help me to walk in your truth, protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing can frighten me or worry me, I pray, amen.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Repot Polis

Kata Aduan:

Pada jam lebih kurang 2:30 petang 04/01/09 semasa saya sedang berjalan kaki di Taman Suntex, Cheras untuk pergi ke kereta saya tiba-tiba telah datang dari arah belakang sebuah m/sikal no WMH 5624, jenis tidak pasti, warna biru yang dinaiki oleh bangsa tiday pasti telah manarik beg tangan saya dan selepas itu terus melarikan diri ke arah mana saya tidak pasti. Di dalam beg tangan saya mengandungi:-
1) Beg tangan Gucci
2) Dompet Prada
3) Handphone Vodafone 720
4) Handphone LG KG 800
5) Camera Sony T710
6) Wifi USB Card
7) Kad Pengenalan
8) Lesen Memandu
9) Kad ATM Maybank
10) Kad Kredit Maybank / Citibank
11) Wang tunai

Sekian laporan saya.

Today is indeed a sad day for me, my bag was snatched as described in the above mentioned police report, no injuries reported, just a slight bruises on my right hand (in which I don’t even have camera to take photos for you to see).

Of course the worst damage was made in the heart, to which all contacts are lost. Yes friends who treat you as friend will contact you no matter how. But there are some friends whom you may not have kept in touch, but you just don’t want to forget them.

What made me upset was the troubles it take to get all the replacement identity card, credit card, atm card and all other cards. Even to make the police report we had to go to two different police stations because one of them are officially “offline”.

I do not know why and how I did not take out the camera which is of no use already from the handbag, only if I could have taken it out the day before, it saves so much to the damages I suffered from. The same applies for the Wifi USB adapter and Free Movie Vouchers I didn’t mention in the report.

However, I consider myself lucky for not buying a new handphone in time, it was always in my itinerary to buy a new handphone for myself as the LG chocolate is dying off long time ago. Too bad for the limited edition Vodafone given by the companyL

Not to even mention about the Gucci handbag and Prada wallet which constitutes to the biggest lost in this incident.

I can only look at it in the most positive light I can see, to let go the past and start a new year with new handbag, new handphone and new everything else. Not a bad idea after all ya?

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Before the year ends tonight

Before the year ends tonight, I want to remember all these that happened in 2008, be it good, be it bad, I learnt and I grew, now I wrap it all in this year’s memory box and look forward to the New Year to come.

Don’t remember a single thing as the whole month was fully dedicated to work, busy doing last minute preparation for the Barcelona event, the biggest and toughest event of the year which I scared most (scared because we have to deal with all the military style management in this top level company event).

Business trip to Barcelona (again) and visited Amsterdam for 3days 2nights, beautiful city with windmill, cheese factory, at the same time dangerous streets with legalized prostitute and marijuana. It was nominated the third friendliest city in Europe.

Holiday trip to Bintulu with Air Ais free tickets, yup we walked something like 20-30 km to see the Niah Cave, which is either cordoned off to protect the artifacts or too dark in the cave to see anything at all. This must be the most regretful event of the year!

I was diagnosed with Depression by the physician at Pantai Hospital, thank God I have recovered (I think hence I am). Reason unidentified for the waking up in the middle of the night and gone hysteria with too much self pity and lonesome tears.

It was Tzeh’s birthday, we had a nice dinner with KLCC sunset view at PNB Darby Park, though the western cuisine has now changed into a melayu cuisine, it is still a good spot to enjoy the sunset (I don’t recall anywhere else you could do so)

I started a blog after traumatized by the fact that my best-e-s-t buddy on earth announced her wedding plan, she is probably the only human being on earth to whom I could pour out every single thing in my mind, I love you Renee!

Singapore business trip, bought the cheapest Swarovski Levi’s on town, yeah yeah!! Had the nicest chicken rice and 豆浆油条 in Food Republic, Suntec City. Oh yeah, we pretended to be tourist and visited the civilization museum, supreme court, the padang etc, and the verdict is Singapore has nothing worth visiting!

Streamyx landed on my kampong house at last! Coming home become an enjoyable activities unlike before, can you imagine I used to live in a place with no astro, no internet, no mamak stall and no shopping mall. Gosh, I don’t know how I survived.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!” I attended the six-week New Life course in SBKL, with much to learn and much to share. I started to practice daily devotion with 7days homework a week to do and submit.

TM Metro E Forum, yes I was the emcee (again). I don’t know why I am such a timid person yet I enjoyed being the master of ceremony for formal and exclusive event like this. No pay no perks, just for the sake of helping other department, saved company lots of money no doubt.

19 May 2008 is a day worth remembering for I was lying on my bed and I felt the bed was shaking for a second or two, I didn’t know what’s going on until the next day I read from paper “Tremors felt in the Klang Valley and Malacca when an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale occurred at 10.26pm in Sumatra, 336km SW of Klang.” Sigh, some more I mistaken earthquake for some evil spirit in my room and couldn’t sleep the whole night, bodoh betul.

Yearly Singapore business trip, the third year and I am still stick to my job, my boss teased to promote me to be the CEO (chief exhibition officer), with the high turn over rate in the company, I am now the almost the most senior in everything I do already.

My Birthday, Tzeh brought me to a nice restaurant in Bangsar Village II after much research and findings (which he rarely does), it was a Swarovski necklace for my birthday present. El Cerdo in Changkat Bukit Bintang was another great place to celebrate birthday as I get to break a plate according to their custom to bring me good luck, lol.

Renee’s wedding, it was comfy and cozy for the dinner was held in a small restaurant called Bayu Timur, Taman Megah, I like it because the couple gets to walk around and chat with everybody with the small group of guests. At the same time met up with Mandy and family doing our own yum cha session at one corner, hehe.

I bluffed my way to Tokyo, just to handle less than 10 customers in total (I had no choice, I want to go no matter what), visited almost every part of the city and went to Hakone for hot spring in the hot hot summer. But I love Tokyo; it is a highly efficient and convenient city with strange culture.
-The transportation system is punctual; 15:39 means 15:39 on the dot
- Talking on the phone in public places like train and restaurant is considered rude
- The use of handkerchief and paper fan is still very common and practical
- I waited one hour for my turn to have breakfast in the hotel because no joining of table is allowed
- I experienced earthquake thinking it is nice to sleep on the rocking bed until my colleague called and shouted earthquake

Flew to Beijing from Tokyo because the bosses insists we can only work when we sit down together face to face, squad in Beijing for the whole 30 days (luckily I only have 30 days validity due to the stringent rules by the Chinese government). Had very bad fight with my boss and caused a chaos in the committee, he had to “zham cha” to me after the intercession by the bigger boss.

We participated quite a bit the in First ever Olympic in China, we watched the opening ceremony a few hundreds meters away from the stadium, we went into the four major stadiums to watch the athletes, swimming, fencing and gymnastics respectively, what else could I ask for from Olympics? Many other first time experiences already written in the previous entries.

This is a month full of medical appointments; first I did a body check and found out that I have high cholesterol, to my greatest surprise, but now reduced to normal range already. Then I had the first gynae visit to check the unusual pap smear result, it was just common infection. And I also had the first teeth crowning, for the rotten filling has dropped out again, now it’s just like brand new.

Can you believe it? I went for the first ever Singapore F1 Night Race and Ferrari team lost pathetically due to some stupid mistakes and accidents. It was a night filled with excitements especially for we managed to go into the race track at the end and saw the race car in real close distant, we even wave the Ferrari flag in front of the pit stop. Thanks to the H customers whom I received during the period.

Finally I decided to do Laser Treatment for my eyes at Optimax, Sunway, I off lens and be the ugly Betty for two weeks, but now I bid glasses goodbye for good for ever. I missed Daphne’s wedding at some far away country side but I am very happy for her and her fairy tale love story. Also due to the body check up results, I started my Hepatitis B jab this month as the immunity no longer active in my body.

12 October 2008, I was born again into the family of God with the water baptism in Bukit Damansara. I never had a birthday like this before, with warmth greetings and congratulatory message from the loved ones, I was on cloud nine for so many days. And I thank my family members for being so supportive all this while.

I attended the young adult Awakening Camp and made many discoveries on my baby Christian walk, it was a wonderful weekend with indulgences of God’s word with the fellow cell members in particular, church member in general. I hold worms in my hands for the first time (actually no feeling at all, and I’m glad I was forced to do so in the games session).

I had my first ever Diamond Ring from the so called stick clearance sales from Wah Chan, 1 Utama (later only realized all rings can get up to 70% wherever you go). Anyway, it was not for proposal, it was “just for fun” according to the Tzeh’s dictionary. It’s ok, I like my Christmas present, though I brought him there, I chose and he only paid.

This was my third visit to Macao, and this time only I really spend time to explore the food galore. Must try is the authentic Portuguese food and some local delicacies not available in other parts of China or Malaysia.

Worst incident in the year, I had a bad hair do! I do not know why and when and how and who and what but my hair looks ugly now, never had such negative comments from the friends before (sorry I took it personally, keke). Also on this basis, I decided to forgo the most looking forward company dinner this time. Had the worst buffet dinner on KL Tower, limited selection, old-style set up, lousy service, expensive charges, only for the bird eye’s view of the city.

The return of the once upon a time hopeless romantic Tzeh, we bid each other goodbye and I saw him walking to get his car. The moment I reach home, he called and asked me to open the door for him, because I seemed sad when he left and he decided to follow me home to give me a surprise. Wow, this is really like as seen on TV, I was deeply touched.

Cervarex, the new innovation prevent Cervical cancer has been taken this month, another two more to go to complete the course in June next year. Brought my parents to watch the movie “Ip Man” in the cinema for the first time in my life (and first time in their life also).

Spent my first Christmas at Malacca with Tzeh’s family, it was just amazing to see the whole family get together to sing charols, exchange presents and hang out at night. I did my first knitting of a muffle ( and I am now termed the most stupid learner on earth) to Tzeh, a family tree with tiny little photos of each family members to my parents, brothers and sister ( my mom praise me “pandai” for doing so). It was really a blessing to be able to give.