Thursday, 29 May 2008



就在大家开始松懈下来的时候,Michael又冒冒然的发来一个短信“我从国外回来,有时间坐下来聊几句吗?”Annabell又开始神经质起来,这人当初明明说他已经不是“single and available” 怎么还有这些闲情来做这种事情?如果说他表明意态来追求的话倒还可以接受,一个单身男人为了自己的终身幸福而做出努力是值得敬佩的;可是一个有了女朋友(也可能是老婆)的男人还要那么明目张胆的到处结识女性朋友,难道不怕被人阎了吗?他不怕被阎,Annabell也怕无端端被陌生女人掌刮。



照片进来的时候,Annabell几乎傻眼了。这个男人戴黑框眼睛,个子很大,像电影里头未变身前的超人的男人Vicky的有钱男友吗?这个男人在朋友圈子都很有名气的,他豪爽的给女友一辆宝马代步,人人都在猜他到底是那家太子爷,还是那个臭老头,竟然出手那么阔。Vicky知道自己男友在想办法认识她自己同事吗?Vicky有份参与这个圈套吗?Vicky知道了对付男友还是Annabell?Annabell是否需要提醒Vicky这个男友有点诡异? 事情好像越来越复杂, Annabell完全不知所措。

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

How man suffers from PMS

According to the wikipedia, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle. While most women of child-bearing age have some premenstrual symptoms, women with PMS have symptoms of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life". Such symptoms are usually predictable and occur regularly during the two weeks prior to menses.

During this period of time, man on the other hand would become the victims of the following symptoms:

Huh? Was there a typo mistake in the previous paragraph? Man would suffer or woman would suffer from “that time of the month again” symptoms? For man out there who has girlfriend or wife would understand, woman are not the only victim suffering from the PMS (some man called it Pre-Monster Stage, which match perfectly well, during this awful period their loving and caring would turn into hatred and wrath of fire ), hence they also become the second hand victim from the above.

Calvin was so frustrated when every month like clockwork, Jennifer come down with a strange collection of symptoms. She becomes extremely irritable, snapping at Calvin many times without the slightest provocation. One second ago, she was just complaining about how life is bored, and the next second she yelled at him and said “I hate you!” Calvin was stoned and wondering erm… what have I done wrong again this time? Is this for not making enough effort to make her life wonderful? Or just for not giving her the full attention she seeks for when she claims that she is now very depressed? He could never understand why Jennifer always trying to make his life difficult using the lousy PMS excuse.

Daniel on the other hand has done a full research on what is PMS and he fully understands that Rachel can’t control her emotions due to the hormone changes in her body. He could even work out the schedule in the calendar, yup, this is about time of the monster release again. Before the tantrum smack on his face, he would comfort Rachel by saying “ yes, I understand why you are sensitive and over emotional, if you feel better just by throwing the temper to me, I will surely bear with it, I want to go through this with you together” It works almost all the time that the fire in Rachel would put off at least half and she begin to gain consciousness again.

In the British court room, PMS has been widely used as a legal defense for crime since 1980s. Owen, an arsonist whose did the crime during PMS was free given expert opinion, Reynolds, who murdered her mother when suffering PMS and postnatal depression, was freed on appeal. A girl even ran her car into the boyfriend an killed him after a row with her boyfriend, the murder charge was reduced to manslaughter after the doctor testified that her blood sugar had fallen, causing a surge of adrenaline due to severe PMS and not eaten for nine hours.

So man why risk your life when PMS is a temporary condition and it will pass with time. Your girlfriend will likely be back to her normal self within a few days. Just have some patience, If she wants to be by herself, give her some space. If she wants to be with you a lot and is acting clingy, make sure that you are around for her. If she wants to talk, lend her an ear. If she seems like she wants a hug or a kiss, kindly oblige. Let her dictate the relationship during this time.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008



故事大概在一年前开始,Debbie经常在网上结识朋友,她总幻想自己有一天会碰到骑着白马的王子会带她进入神奇的童话故事。几乎每个礼拜都会有一次“新朋友见面”的约会。 有一次Madelyn八卦问她,你们都在那里见面?是不是人潮很多的地方?见面时候有没有带防狼器?有没有注意他有没有跟踪你回家等等。。





Tuesday, 13 May 2008


Annabell 今天吃完午饭,无聊起来打算在购物商场好好逛一逛,心里暗想每天饭后步行三十分钟,应该可以把自己还未被发现的小肚腩给去掉。好久没有好好为自己添个鞋子,裤子,裙子,反正女人花钱就是因为衣橱里永远少了一件衣服,不需要其他原因。

在Bodyshop门口盘算着这家店甚么时候打折时,手机短信响了一下,是一个陌生号码 “Annabell, 我曾经几次碰见过你,很想有机会认识你, 不知道我有没有这个荣幸?我也在某某楼办公, Michael”Annabell脑子里第一个反应就联系到电台每天上午的胡闹恶作剧电话,装成什么神秘人物特地把人家搞的超级丢脸,听众最喜欢听到别人的丑事。



回到座位上的Annabell正在烦恼怎么没找到这个人的信息呢?电话响了。“喂,你好!”“喂,我是Michael。。”天呀,他竟然打电话来了。这人好无聊,办公事那么近也不走过来打个招呼。 谈话期间发觉事情好像越来越不对劲。这个Michael不是Annabell的同事,他只在同一栋楼的电梯里碰见过她,而且可以神通八大的查到她的电话,工作地点。


Monday, 5 May 2008


刚才Catherine 走到楼下的时候,看到天空下着毛毛细雨,突然间眼前看到的好像电影情节一样,镜头一转就会到30年前。。还记得有一次天空也是下着毛毛细雨,她和Eason在楼下困着,雨点一小点一小点撇在她身上,Eason用他自己的身躯把娇小的Catherine给包围着,不让雨点沾溼她的身体。



Man最近好像也没有什么动态,因为有一次午饭的时候, Catherine很明显的回避Man不和他同桌吃饭。可能Man也感觉到Catherine的不自在,不敢在进一步调查下去,也可能Man认为原来Catherine不值得跟踪,反正她现在已经有了要好的男朋友,没有什么新闻价值可以会去写小报告。


Saturday, 3 May 2008

so much time, so little plan..

Do you know what’s your plan tonight? Well, I am not asking you for a date, but I am keen to know if you plan you time in advance? And how much in advanced? The other day I was talking to Rachel saying some of our friends are just so into play by ear, goes with the flow, for they do not like to be constrained by plan made ahead of their time. Rachel smile and said “ That’s only applied to young chaps, for they always think time will never ran out of use”

Erm.. I am not sure about that. Since young I always plan my time, from primary school
having a check book on the daily home work, secondary school having a schedule on the exam revision plan, working life having a diary of all the events through out the years, I just can’t live without a reminder beside me. Even at home I have a notepad near my bedside, just in case I suddenly have things to do the next morning. I couls hardly sleep without knowing what’s the plan for at least tomorrow, if not the few days that follows.

I do not feel secure without knowing what’s coming up next, I can not sleep without knowing exactly what’s the itinerary over the weekend. And I hate it when people just come up with brilliiant ideas like “Why not we do this and that later today or tomorrow morning” Unless it is a superb idea that will turn my world around, these questions are normally met with “ Why can’t you tell me earlier?” I just hate it when somebody screwed up my plan, whether or not I have a plan at all.

Is there anything wrong with me? What part of the brain progrmming is faulty? Some may think I am putting too much pressure on myself to plan for this plan for that, life is no fun when everything is well planned off. Why can’t we “JUST DO IT” like Nike says it. Well, I do not know who can asnwer that, but I don’t see how I can do it for now. Can anyone help?