Sunday, 31 May 2009









备注: 传说中国第一个吃燕窝的人是明朝航海家郑和。郑和的远洋船队在海上遇到了大风暴,停泊在马来群岛一个荒岛处,食物紧缺。无意中发现荒在断石峭壁上的燕窝,于是命令部属采摘,洗净后用清水炖煮,用以充饥。数日后,船员各个脸色红润,中气颇足。于是船队回国时带一些供奉给皇帝。

How Bill Gates cured her PMS

Today I am going to talk about PMS (again ar!??!??!). Yes, again. Is is the never ending battle between me and the hormone, it was last year same time I wrote about PMS and until now I have found no solutions to it. And today I’m going to share with you a success story how this woman LJ who overcome her PMS problem with Bill Gate’s help. You mean Bill Gates is now venturing into woman’s health business? Continue to read and you will find out later.

LJ hates the word hormones, it is the magic spell that cast a decent understanding woman into a unreasonable fierceful monster, every month, wihout fail. Imagine a full quarter of our productive years was trapped in this PMS jail, say we have menses from the age of 13 to 53, over the aspan of this 40 years, the PMS takes up 25% of the time, which is 9.2 years, 110 months, 480 weeks, 3360 days, 80640 hours in our life, and what? You tell me there is nothing we can do about it??

So LJ used this “Entourage”, Microsoft's information-management program for Mac users, to send monthly reminder to the husband and herself one week before her PMS at every 28 cycle. If I ever set this program for myself, the message surely turn out like this “WARNING! HAZARDOUS & DESTRUCTIVE MONSTER IS COMING IN 7 DAYS TIME”. LJ thought this would solve all the problems as the husband understand it is the hormones that is starting the culprit behind the monthly fight.

For me I really think PMS is a magnifying glass in my life, but this maginifying glass is defected as it can only ENLARGE INDEFINITELY the small little invisible flaws and mistakes and keep it pop up in front of of eyes every 0.000023 seconds, so we see nothing but the ugliest side of human mankind, the husband or boyfriend in particular. So back to the story, LJ thought if the husband have get to know the PMS in advance, he would have be more alert and guess what man just can’t be bothered about this female hormones stuff. LJ gets even more frustrated when the fight still go on month after month.

Until one day she realized that it was not the husband responsibility to indulge her. She expects the husband to be more tolerant during that time of the month, to be more patient during that time of the time. But wait, whose problem is the PMS now? The wife or the husband? She shifted her mindset to deal with the problem face to face. Instead of expecting the husband to work on it when he sees the reminder, she chose to work on herself seeing the reminder, she chose to deal with the hysteric, unreasonable, moody and depressed self every month.

She prepared herself for a potentially tense week when she received the reminder, she has the awareness in her subconscious to start the battle. She knows this is just going to be temporary, the normal loveable self wil be back just a few days and all things will be beautiful again. So she grab a chocolate bar, tell the husband “I’m PMSing”. Cool huh?

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Do you know your feet type?

I’ve experience some pain at the ball of the feet sometimes last year, at first I thought it is because I’ve wearing high heels to work most of the days, then slowly I realized even when I wear flat to go shopping or what, the pain is still there, just one particular spot on the ball of the right foot.

As I was wondering what is wrong with my feet, I came across this shop in Marina Square “Ergo Lab”, they sell ORTHOTICS AND BIOMECHANICAL INSOLES with ultimate support and comfort. Erm.. not a bad idea huh, so I went in to the shop out of curiosity.

The sales assistant offer the do a foot scan in order to know my feet better before she recommend the suitable insoles for me, so I stand on the machine which looks exactly like a scale, after a few seconds an image appear on the computer screen as below:

According to the sales assistant, I have high arch feet from what we see in the scan image. We clearly see the “footprint” on top, on bottom, but in the middle KOSONG! That means the entire weight/pressure of the body is placed on the front and back of the feet only, no wonder the ball of the foot keep on having pain after some walking.
You see, normaly human feet should look like this, that’s how we learnt to draw the footprint also right? In this case, the weight/ pressure of the body can be distributed evenly on the feet, so the feet are biomechanically efficient and can use any you want to.

For my feet type they called it HIGH ARCH, as thoug there is a high arch between the forefeet and the heel. The band connecting the forefoot and the heel is very thin or non-existant in my case. Hence the feet are not very effective as a shock absorber since the arch doesn't collapse enough to absorb it.

So they recommended me to buy this insole especially formulated to cater for people with high arch, it has this protuded portion in the middle of the insole to make good for the “vacuum arch”, so that the feet will have enough surface to absord the shock as we walk.

It cost me about SGD 49, and to be true it does help when you put this insole in the shoe, you literally feel the insole like some labour working hard to lift up that part of the feet. But most of the time, after you insert in the insole, the shoe become tighter and the discomfort at the ball of the foot has been transformed or transferred to the little toes as the shoe become too small for them.

Overall, I still give it a yes, because the pain in the toe is nothting compare to the pain in the ball of the foot. Lol.. If you are interested to know your feet type, you can do this simple experiment at home:


礼拜天回家的路上,我一贯如常的在马路上奔驰(不要鄙视我的SLK,ok!!),在康乐花园的高速公路上看到长长的车龙, 心想“不是吧,礼拜天都会堵车?肯定是发生意外了”。我无所谓,继续在炎热的天气在车内下享受冷气,哼哼歌曲。


怎么知道?!怎么知道交警竟然把我拦着,让我把车驶到边上。我还很冷静的,关掉收音机,打开窗口。 “Selamat Tengahari, Cik” 警察很快的就来到我车旁,“Sila tunjuk lesen memandu, Cik”现在的公务员都很客户,很有礼貌,也很有耐性, 当然啦, 前马上要到手,心里还不是哈哈大笑吗!

接下来发生的对话,大家应该也有经验,不用我长篇大论的。“Cik sudah melepasi had laju sehingga 93km, had laju di sini 80km sahaja” 我假装无知的问说“Yakah?Di mana?”警察叔叔,很巧妙的每个警察叔叔都顶着大大的肚腩,留着黑黑的胡须,好像一个饼摸做出来似的。 接下来他问“Boleh saman?”,我心里在想如果我说Tak Boleh的话难道你对说“Ok, cik boleh jalan sekarang。”

我偏偏不想给这些烂警察机会minum teh,我冷冷的说“Boleh”,一点哀求的成分也没有,根本是死性难改的那种态度回答他。他拿起本子,正经八百的拿起手里的笔开始装模作样的。我也没有兴趣去管他怎么写,心里在想什么时候有时间去还就算了。谁知道他一个转身。。怎么啦?怎么啦?到底怎么了嘛?他说“Kali ini bagi amaran, lain kali jaga sikit ya”

我愣了一下?怎么啦?这个月的saman quota 满了吗?还是警察叔叔自己心里有鬼?我想,应该不是有鬼,是有神!还有谁能够把相差几秒就发出来的传票收回去?是全能的神吧。


这两个月来最常听到别人对我说的问候语就是“你最近瘦了哦?”或者“你在减肥吗?”或者是“你是有病啊?怎么瘦成这样?”一开始的时候我会怀疑这些人是不是有病啊?我明明没有瘦却说到我好像瘦的像排骨一样?Tzeh还淘气的说我已经瘦得像来自非洲的牛了。。 直到有一天我心血来潮在衣橱里拿出一见已经n年没有穿过的牛仔裤一试,哇!!!竟然可以拉上拉链,而且还挺舒服的。 这件牛仔裤是我几年前最瘦的那一阵子买的,超级紧身,穿了没多久就穿不下去了。这时候我无法在欺骗制自己,原来我真的瘦了,惨了。。

我知道你们看到这里可能会很想揍我,可是我年底就要结婚了,正当每个新娘都在努力减肥的时候我竟然under weight, 这可是天大的耻辱啊。。前两个星期去拍婚纱照的时候看着镜子竟然看到一根KAYU,好像哭喔。。有一件晚装也正因如此穿的不堪入目,难看死了!人家说当模特儿要有衣架子的身材,我的身材也是衣架子:只看到衣服,看不到架子。。

伤心欲绝的时候,我上网搜查“如何增肥”, 结果给我找到胡杏儿拍肥田喜事的增肥菜单。 她除了每天吃6餐,中间还不断的喂自己是雪糕,巧克力和鲜奶。其他人看到可能会羡慕死。我看到却想吐死。我本来除了三顿正餐就不吃零食,也不喜欢巧克力,薯片,雪糕,汽水等垃圾食物,要我这么个吃法,我看我会更瘦――不断的呕吐!



体重 : 43.3kg
体内脂肪 : 20.1%
内脏脂肪 : 1
基础代谢率 : 1043
体内年龄 : 18
骨重 : 28.8kg
BMI : 17.6

还可以嘛?我最瘦的时候才43kg,比现在还少 0.3 kg。体内脂肪好像是在标准的以下一个“slim category”,也及格啊。内脏脂肪,那个阿姨说正常人的内脏脂肪指数是4,我的只有1,不太好,因为如何内脏完全没有脂肪的话,身体器官很容易产生摩擦,容易造成损害。哈?那我该怎么办?网上也找不到任何内脏脂肪的文章,那位高人可以指导一下吗?Anyway,我的BMI明确显示我是UNDER WEIGHT, 一点点啦,可以啦。。

妈妈知道这个消息后已经把我每天早餐的分量DOUBLE给我,我也努力每天晚上喝完一杯MILO才睡觉,午餐前吃饼干,晚餐前吃饼干,我相信在不久的将来我一定可以增加1kg, 太少? 好了好了,2kg,ok?45kg看起来就像正常人啦,嘻嘻。。