Monday, 15 December 2008








Sunday, 14 December 2008

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord
For you are my refuge and strength
And ever present help in trouble

It is you Lord
That helps me sort things out
To see what is right from wrong

It is you Lord
That gives me courage to speak out
To solve issues I found helpless

Thank you Lord
For you are faithful and just
And forgives me from my sins

It is you Lord
That helps me to stand up
To walk out of the fear of the dark

It is you Lord
That gives me wisdom to judge
To have your ways in my life

Thank you Lord
For words cannot describe
How great you are

Saturday, 6 December 2008

How to get your man listen to you

I do not know about you, but I’ve been taught that men and women think, speak and response differently since young. My brother bought me the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” when I was eighteen, although I didn’t quite understand it, I am subscribed to the idea that even our brains are wired differently.

Tzeh and I argued about this issue many times before, he doesn’t understand why I cannot speak up when I am angry, I do not understand why he can walk away when I am angry. I’ve been trying to tell him that I am not a man; hence I do not behave in accordance to his logical mind. So I decided to do a search online to come out with some facts and statistics to support my argument.

I was happy that I found an article entitled “Men and Women are Hard Wired Differently and respond differently”. It reads something like this ‘We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in [the way] we react and behave when we love someone.’ Of course I myself fall into the same trap but I was trying to make him understand that I am not a man!!!

Then I continue to search and I found another article “How to Communicate Effectively with Husbands” and I laughed when I saw “Women talk too much and men don’t listen enough. This is an age-old problem that seems to have no real solutions” This is never a problem for me because Tzeh is the one doing all the talking and I am the one waiting for the conclusion while he dwell on and on with the details. I teased him and asked “Did you not learn summary in school before?”

In the midst of all this, I feel pathetic for myself that why on earth do I have to try to understand man? Has he ever made the same efforts try to understand me as well? The more in understand him, the more I gave in to make him feel better, but I also wish one day that he come to me and says “ Today I learn that women are like this like that, I understand now why you do this and that, and I will try to be this and that.. ”Dream on girl, dream on...

Anyway, criticism and sarcasms do not help man to listen, so here are some tips for the women to talk in ways that will get their men to listen (see, women are always too caring and understanding to burden ourselves to learn how to speak in the way man would listen)

Thursday, 4 December 2008





刚才和朋友讨论怎么可以对家人好一点,想了半天都找不到好点子。 他们不喜欢逛街,不喜欢旅游,不喜欢看电影,甚至不喜欢在外边吃饭,一辈子忙忙碌碌也没有想到怎么好好对待自己。甚至现在小孩都不再是小孩的时候,还要替小孩操心他们的小孩(孙子啦)。除了每个月给微不足道的家用,有时候在他们出去吃夜宵,我真不知道自己还能够做什么。突然间觉得当我的爸爸妈妈好可怜,竟然有我这个不肖女,不知道如何关怀他们,敬爱他们。

经常告诉自己对他们态度要好一点,只是每天下班回来,拖着疲惫的身子,我只想好好一个人呆在房间,上上网,看看书,不想和任何人说话。 好几次妈妈特地走进来我的房间,看我在做什么,很想和我打开话题,我却冷冷谈谈。 最过分的是,我不喜欢任何人躺在我的床上,枕头上,被单上,我看到会有一股冲动赶她出去(洁癖啦, 请多多包涵)
